Page 28 of One Night Stand (Vegas After Dark)
I’m an idiot. It was clear that Forest and Catherine were in the middle of a conversation that I walked in on. It took me hearing one sentence, and I was flying back out to the pool area. Some conversations are not meant for wandering ears. I only offered to go inside once Dennis mentioned that Catherine was inside, so I got up, dried off, wrapped the towel around me, and walked inside. The tail end of the conversation isn’t something anyone would want to hear about secondhand. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, which is a feat in itself. After all, I am a Nosey Rosie. Talk about self-restraint. Someone should give me a damn reward.
“Catherine didn’t need any help, I take it?” Dennis asks as I attempt to make a hasty retreat into the pool.
“No, they have it all covered, like you said.” The Hughes brothers are the perfect combination of the two parents. Dennis’ stature and build shines through on both men, whereas the darker hair color and dark eyes are definitely a product of Catherine.
“I figured. Are the girls being good for you?” He’s a sweetheart, making small talk since Madden and Hendrix are off in the deep end of the pool, Cammy showing them how she’s mastered her dive, Piper in her arm bands floating near them.
“They are, though they’ll probably be ticked when I tell them it’s time to get out to reapply sunscreen.” Cammy and Piper might not like me for the time being, but if they were to burn, they’d really be miserable.
“Dennis, grab me a drink, will you?” Catherine comes out of the house, impeccable timing to save both of us the awkwardness, a fault that’s mine entirely. I’m usually cool, calm, and collective.
“Yes, dear.” He exaggerates his tone as if he’s annoyed. As if. Both of them have the other wrapped around their pinky fingers.
“Bailey, Forest mentioned he could use your help in the house. Something about him messing up the side dish you brought over.” Catherine missed her calling as a Hollywood actress. I didn’t bring a dish. Forest was adamant I brought myself and only myself.
“Sure, I’ll go take care of that now. Can you do me a favor?” I ask.
“Of course, sweetheart.” I often wonder if Catherine was a Southern leading lady; the tenacity like Blanche from the Golden Girls would definitely fit her personality.
“Cammy and Piper need more sunscreen. It’s well past time.” The second she nods, I walk into the house. I’d rather face Forest after he noticed I was in the house during his conversation than try to harangue two fish swimming girls any day of the week.
I take a deep breath. Forest has the back doors open, sliding them back into the wall. Vegas decided to have a rare warm day in the dead of winter. There’s a slight nip in the air every once in a while, the reason why I have a towel wrapped around my body. My bathing suit might be on the conservative side, but it does nothing to preserve a nipply situation. A good thing that Forest has pool heaters, or there’s no way anyone would be in the water right now.
“Hey.” Ridiculous, that’s what I am, acting like I’m stepping into the principal’s office after getting caught skipping class.
“Hey, baby, come here for a minute?” he asks. I move towards him thinking nothing of it. The perks of having a home that doesn’t have a split floor plan is that there’s some privacy in the kitchen, and Forest is currently moving backwards the minute I’m close enough to him, hands on my hips, head dipping down to kiss me.
“I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to interrupt you and your mother. If it’s any consolation, it wasn’t my intention to eavesdrop.” My hands settle on his chest, holding him back, only because he’s allowing it.
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for. my mother is being her usual self. She’s doing us a solid tonight. It’s you and me alone. The girls are spending the night with my parents. We’ll talk, clear the air, and if I’m lucky, I’ll get to hear your moans and screams without a pillow to muffle them. Plus, I think I’ve got something else to tend to as well.” The towel that was wrapped around my body drops to the floor, and Forest’s hands glide up my stomach until he’s got my breasts in the palms of his hands, bringing up the fact that he’s got an unhealthy obsession with my nipples.
“As long as you’re sure. Also, we better be careful. Catherine is pulling the girls out of the pool, and I’m about waterlogged, so you’re up, big guy.” Forest is shirtless, a pair of swim trunks on, and it seems there’s something else that’s up as well.