Page 48 of Nanny for the Neighbors
We’ve just got into the flat when Cyrus’s bedroom door opens. He steps into the kitchen, stretching, then rubs the sleep from his eyes. He’s dressed in a pair of boxers and a wrinkled t-shirt.
My stomach buzzes at the sight of him. I’ve been waiting for him to re-emerge all day. What will happen now that we’ve slept together? Will his flirting get even worse? Will he kiss me like Jack did? Hug me?
I smile at him shyly as he stumbles towards the coffeemaker. “Hey.”
He jumps like he didn’t even notice me standing here, then nods. “Hey,” he says stiffly.
“Sleep well?” I ask.
He nods noncommittally.
I gesture at the cupboard. “Want a coffee?”
“Yeah, um.” He squints at the machine, then glances back at me. “You know what, never mind,” he mumbles, turning tail and heading back into his room without another word. I stare after him, my hopeful bubble bursting and withering.
Oh. Okay, then.
Cami wriggles in my arms. I look down at her. “Did I say something?” I whisper.
She blows a raspberry in my face.
A door creaks in the corridor, and Jack steps out of his bedroom, yawning. “Finally fuckin’ finished,” he mumbles, then spots Cami. “Um. Finally friggin’ finished,” he corrects himself.
I laugh, sitting on the sofa with Cami on my lap. Jack squeezes in next to me, and I stiffen, not sure what to do. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, tugging me against his chest, and I happily snuggle up to him.
“Thanks,” I mumble into his t-shirt.
He smiles. “For what?”
“Not being weird about last night.”
He sifts a hand through my hair. “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages, Beth. You don’t need to thank me.”
I smile and cuddle closer, my worries about Cyrus slowly dying away as I relax against him. Cami reaches up and curls a hand in his shirt as she drifts off, blowing a bubble between her lips. Jack practically glows with pride.
None of us move for a long time. I can’t remember the last time I felt this comfortable. With a tiny baby on my lap, and a man’s arm around me—it’s almost like having a family cuddle.
Of course, the baby is only borrowed, and the man is my neighbor, but I’ll take what I can get. I’m on the verge of falling asleep when my phone buzzes with a text from Benny.
B: I’m in the lobby. Brought wine. Let’s get MASHED
I check the clock. Shit, it’s already past seven. “I have to go. Benny and I are going clubbing.”
Jack pulls back. “Okay. Stay safe. I’ll probably be working late, so if you need a ride, or anything...”
“It’s fine. We’ll get a taxi.” I stand, popping Cami into her bouncer and brushing down my skirt. “Have a good trip to Scotland.”
He stands too, and I hesitate. Do I hug him? Kiss him? Turn and leave?
Jack smiles, nudging his knuckle under my chin and tipping my face up for a kiss. “I had fun last night,” he says against my lips.
“We should do it again sometime.”
His smile widens. He nudges our noses together. “I would love that.”
There’s a footstep in the hallway, and I look up to see Cyrus loitering in his bedroom doorframe, watching us. There’s an odd expression on his face.
“Bye, Cyrus,” I call. “Enjoy your convention.”