Page 27 of Nanny for the Neighbors
Cami suddenly gabbles loudly in her stroller, demanding our attention. Jack pulls away, clearing his throat. “She, uh, didn’t eat?”
I settle back in my seat, my face reddening. “Too excited.”
“I’ll have a go.” He carefully picks her up, settling her against his chest, and offers her the bottle. She turns and tries to snuggle into his jumper instead, gumming on the wool.
“You’d better not be going on a diet,” he warns her, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “It will break my heart. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
I watch him try to coax some food into her, my stomach warming.
He’s good with her. Really good. Gentle and patient and kind. The cafe lights shine over his head, burnishing his blonde hair gold and highlighting his cheekbones as he drops kisses down her tiny cheek, trying to distract her enough to slip the bottle in her mouth.
It’s all so unfair. Both Jack and Cyrus already love Cami. They both treat her right. But her real dad won’t even hug her. He threw atantrumwhen he found out that she was his daughter.
I watch as she bats the bottle away, then yawns and cuddles up to Jack’s neck.
“Okay,” he says softly, stroking her hair. “Okay, I get it. It’s not food time, it’s nap time.” He settles her more comfortably against him, and her eyes drift shut.
“Are you disappointed?” I ask. “That she’s not yours?”
Jack hesitates, looking down at Cami. Before he can answer, the bell at the entrance to the cafe rings.
Jack glances over my shoulder and stiffens, his face going hard.
I look up to see Benny striding into the cafe. He’s dressed in his bright red delivery man uniform, and carrying a massive box in his arms. I watch as he passes it over the counter to one of the employees. She blushes and bats her eyes at him, leaning closer to mutter a few words in his ear, but he ignores her, focussing his gaze on me.
I smile, waving him over to our table. “I didn’t know you delivered here.”
“I deliver everywhere, babe. I’m well known for my packages.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
“Ew, wow, super gross.” I stand up and let him sweep me into a bear hug.
“You’ve been ignoring my calls,” he accuses, pulling back and pushing some hair behind my ears. “Where have you been?”
“Sorry. It’s been crazy. I’ve got a new job. With, uh, Jack, actually.” I wave at Jack, who’s sitting frozen in his seat. “You might remember him. He lives in my building.”
Benny’s eyes widen. He stares between the two of us. “I see. Hey, do I owe you a pizza?”
“I’m pretty sure you do.”
He grins. “Good girl.” He reaches over and offers Jack his hand. “Benny. Nice to meet you. Cute kid.”
“Yeah,” Jack says, his voice cool as he shakes Benny’s hand. “She is.”
Benny turns back to me, tucking my bra strap under my shirt. “Hey, I was thinking, you wanna go out with me this weekend? I just met someone who works at a club in Soho. Don’t really wanna go alone.”
I translate that toplease wingwoman for me so I have an excuse to stalk/fuck this girl/guy.
I shrug. “I could do with a night out.”
“Sweet.” His phone beeps, and he checks it, grimacing. “I’m running behind. But call me, okay? Love you.”
“Aww, thanks.”