Page 25 of Nanny for the Neighbors
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It takes a couple of hours, but we finally make it to the checkout. Beth helps unload all of the items onto the conveyor belt. I can’t bend over with Cami strapped to me, so I take her to a nearby rack of baby toys to distract her, running my eyes over all the stuffed animals. I want to get her something to cuddle. I got pretty jealous when I saw her snuggling up to Cyrus’s bunny last night.
“Let’s see,” I say quietly, sifting through the plushies. “Cy’s already got you a rabbit, so they’re out. Teddies are boring.” I spot a toy lion wedged right at the back of the shelf and pull it out, examining it. It’s squishy and soft, with a fluffy yellow mane. I hand it to Cami. “What do you think? Strong and brave, just like you.”
She grabs it and puts its tail in her mouth.
“Guess it’s a winner.” I kiss her head and head back to the checkout, dumping the toy on the conveyor belt. Cami makes a sad noise, like she’s about to start crying. The cashier smiles, scanning the toy and passing it back to me. “Here you go, love.”
I tuck the toy into the carrier with Cami, and she quiets down again, satisfied.
“This is a lot of stuff,” Beth notes, as I pass over my credit card. “I hope Seb’s paying you back for all of this.”
“I don’t mind paying for it.” I stroke some of Cami’s hair off her cheek. She grabs my finger and starts chewing it happily. My heart melts. I’m pretty sure I’m in love with this kid already. “I’ll buy you as many presents as you want,” I tell her quietly.
“Doshoodabay!” She babbles up at me, frog-kicking her legs.
“Aw, you’re welcome.”
“Seriously. Don’t even mention it.”
Beth doesn’t say anything. I glance across at her. She’s watching me, confusion all over her face.
“Doesn’t it make you mad? The way Sebastian is treating her?” She crosses her arms over her chest, suddenly looking vulnerable. “He should be here. He’s ignoring his own daughter. It’s not right.” Her voice wavers a bit, like she’s really upset.
I rub Cami’s lion against her tiny ear, making her giggle. “Sebastian will come around. He’s a good person, he’s just very… regimented. Ordered. It scares him, being out of control like this.”
“There’s nocontrolwhen it comes to kids. You have to roll with the punches.” Her mouth flattens unhappily. “I mean, she’s not even yours.” She waves at the full trolley. “Why are you doing so much for her?”
I shrug. “She’s completely adorable. Why shouldn’t I spoil her?”
She opens her mouth, and I quickly change the subject. “I’m hungry. Do you want to go get something to eat? My treat.”
Twenty minutes later, I’m sitting at a back table in a local cafe, trying to feed Cami. She’s too stimulated to eat; every time I nudge the bottle towards her, she just plays with the tip in her mouth, then spits it back out. She’s staring around the cafe with wide eyes, taking in the bright lights and chattering shoppers. I sigh, giving up and setting her back in her stroller just as Jack comes back from the counter, holding a tray laden with food and drinks.
“Here we go. One hot chocolate.” He sets a cup down in front of me, and I stare at it. The mug is as big as a bowl, topped with a snowball of melting whipped cream, sprinkled with mini marshmallows, and drizzled with chocolate sauce. A flake is perched haphazardly on top. My mouth is watering just looking at it.
“I got you the souped-up version,” he explains. “And… ” He pulls a plate off the tray, presenting me with a gooey, warm chocolate chip cookie. “Is it okay? I don’t know what you like—”
I put down Cami’s bottle, break off a massive piece of the cookie, and dunk it in the hot chocolate, practically inhaling it.
“I guess it’s okay,” he laughs, settling in with his own coffee and blueberry muffin.
“Sugar is my weakness,” I admit, licking melted chocolate off my fingers. “Thank you!”
“You deserve it.” He tickles Cami’s cheek. “You’ve been a lifesaver these past few days. I don’t know what the Hell would’ve happened to us, if we didn’t have you to come help us out.”
“I should be thanking you guys. If I’m honest, I really needed the job.”
He leans forward and takes a sugar packet. His arm brushes mine and my skin lights up. “How long have you been unemployed?”