Page 21 of Babysitter of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 67)
Amelia frowns before lighting up once again.
“I’m just so excited,” she sings. “Uncle James, Uncle James.”
I smile as the doorbell rings although my heart’s doing double-time in my chest. After all, this is going to be a very interesting dinner party. We’ve briefed Amelia about her new relative, but what we didn’t add is that Savannah will be coming over too. Rick and I decided that it’d be easier to get everyone together, and to hash things out in the open. Is this a recipe for disaster? Maybe, but we’re hoping for the best.
Meanwhile, I lumber to the front door before opening it. Sure enough, there’s a handsome man on the doorstep who looks exactly like my boyfriend. There are a few differences here and there. For example, Rick has a bit more salt and pepper in the hair at his temples, and my boyfriend also seems to be in better shape. But overall, this guy is a doppelgänger for the man I love.
He leans forward to place a kiss on my cheek.
“You must be Tracy,” he greets, holding forth a bottle of wine. “I’m James Cornwall, Rick’s long lost twin.”
“Come in,” I murmur, accepting the wine. “Thanks for coming over. I hope you like steak.”
He grins while shedding his jacket, revealing broad shoulders in a well-fitted blue shirt.
“I love steak,” he growls. “But where’s my brother at?”
At that moment, Rick appears from the hallway with Amelia peeping out from behind her father.
“Hey buddy,” my boyfriend growls, holding a hand out to James. “Good to see you again.”
His twin nods, with no idea what’s about to happen.
“You too, my brother. Thanks for having me. Now, who’s this?” he asks, crouching down to greet Amelia. “Is this a princess? Elsa? Belle? Ariel, even?”
“No silly!” Amelia giggles while popping out from behind her dad. “I have blonde hair, so I can’t be Ariel! Ariel has red hair and flippers too because she’s a mermaid.”
“Ah ha,” James says in a serious voice. “That’s what I thought but she loses her flippers at the end, right? When she marries Prince Eric?”
Amelia nods seriously.
“She does, but she still has red hair, and my hair’s not red, so I can’t be her.”
James nods somberly, still crouched at her level.
“Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Miss Princess. What did you say your name was?”
“Amelia,” the darling girl says in a smart tone. “And Daddy tells me you’re my new Uncle James.”
The dark-haired man is somber as he nods, looking into her eyes.
“Iamyour Uncle James,” he says. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Amelia. Maybe we can get to know each other later, but your dad mentioned that this is only going to be a quick hello before you go up to bed.”
Amelia nods toothily.
“I have soccer tomorrow,” she says. “I have to rest otherwise I won’t be able to play.”
James laughs then, revealing a smile that makes me gasp because it only increases his resemblance to my boyfriend.
“Soccer it is then. Good night, sweetheart.” With that, I take Melly’s hand and nudge her to say goodnight to James.
“Goodnight Uncle James,” Melly lisps as we make our way up the stairs.
“I’ll be right back after I tuck her in,” I smile at our guest. “Just give me fifteen.”
Once I get my sweet charge’s teeth brushed, face washed, and tucked into bed, she looks at me with the most pure, innocent eyes.
“I’m excited to meet Uncle James, but I love you more, Mama,” she lisps. “I’m happy you’re my mama.”