Page 16 of Babysitter of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 67)
“Yeah, and that really sucks because I think it’s possible that he boned Savannah Thursday night before boning me that weekend. So yeah, Rick could have slept with multiple women all within the span of a few days.”
Chelsea sighs.
“Male whore,” is her terse epithet.
“I know,” I nod. “But it’s not illegal. It just sucks, and not only that, but Rick is a good guy, Chels. I can’t deny it because I wouldn’t be with him if he weren’t. He’s a good father to Amelia too, and that’s why I know this spells the end of our relationship. He’s not going to shirk his responsibilities. If Savannah wants to keep the baby, then he’s going to take her side.”
My friend pauses and nods at me.
“But do you think he could keep seeing you at the same time?”
I gasp.
“While Savannah’s pregnant, you mean?”
My buddy nods.
“It’s not impossible. I mean, it sounds like you guys are in a relationship, and it’s inconvenient that Savannah’s pregnant now. But you could still see Rick even as he waits for the baby to be born.”
I think for a moment but then shake my head.
“No, I don’t think so. Not because of him but becauseIcan’t do it. It’s just too emotionally draining and stressful knowing that your boyfriend is expecting a child with another woman.”
“Even if Rick swears high and low that Savannah’s nothing to him?”
I sigh as tears brim in my eyes once more.
“No, I don’t think I can do it,” I say in a low, trembling voice. “Knowing that his baby is gestating in another woman’s uterus is too much for me. I can’t stay with him.”
Those words tremble in the air between us, and Chelsea shoots me a sympathetic look.
“It sounds like you’ve decided then, hon,” she says gently. “You’re leaving Rick, aren’t you?”
I hadn’t fully realized that that was my plan of action until now, but hearing the words out in the open crystallizes the idea, and suddenly, I know that this is what I have to do. My heart breaks then, shattering into a million pieces as the tears spill over, but I have no choice.
“I think Iamgoing to leave Rick,” I whisper brokenly while dashing my hand to my eyes once more. “I have to, Chels. For my dignity, not to mention my sanity. It’s too complicated for my boyfriend to be expecting a child with another woman, even as I expect the child of another man.”
With that, my friend comes to sit next to me on the sofa, embracing me in her arms as a waterfall of tears course down my cheeks. It hurts so much to come to this conclusion, and yet I know it’s for the best. After all, life shouldn’t be so complicated. I wasn’t asking for a happy ending with a doting husband and a houseful of children, but at the same time, I can’t live with this situation either. I simply can’t stay and do nothing, knowing that Savannah’s gestating my lover’s baby. As a result, it’s time to let Rick go, even if it destroys me in the process. Who knew love could be so tricky? Yet, this is my fate in life and I have no choice but to accept it.
Tracy’s not into sex tonight, which is weird because usually my sweet girl is begging for it with her mouth wide open and her legs spread. Yet, as I nudge into her bottom from the back, she pulls away a bit. It’s almost an involuntary movement, but I can tell that she’s not feeling it.
“You okay, sweetheart?” I whisper in her ear, nuzzling her shoulder. “Are you too tired?”
It’s weird because even pregnant, Tracy’s never been too tired to engage in a steamy round of intimacy before. But maybe it’s the fact that the baby’s growing. After all, her belly’s getting big, although that just makes my cock jerk again with arousal as I nudge it against her coffee pleats.
“Here, let me try this,” I growl before holding a hand in front of her mouth. “Spit, sweetheart.”
Thankfully, the sweet girl hocks and then spits into my palm, and I reach down to spread the saliva over my shaft before dotting some on her tender back hole. Then I line myself once more and push, but not before Tracy lets out a little huff of distress.
I stop immediately, my crown already buried in her rectum.
“What is it?” I ask. “Am I hurting the baby?”
This time, she turns her head to look at me over her shoulder, and to my surprise, there are shiny tear tracks on her cheeks.