Page 14 of Babysitter of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 67)
“Well, just tell him that I have a surprise for him, that’s all,” she coos. “It’s something from the stork because we didn’t always use protection, and now he’s going to be a daddy.”
I stare at her small bump.
“How far along are you, may I ask? I know it’s none of my business, but I’ll be sure to relay the information to Mr. Patton.”
Savannah shrugs merrily.
“Not far along. Maybe six to ten weeks? I haven’t seen the ob-gyn yet, but they’ll tell me for sure when I do. Meanwhile, I know this is unexpected but Rick’s going to be overjoyed, I’m sure. After all he’s a very virile man, and I’m a fertile woman,” she giggles. “You know what happens when a virile man and fertile woman get together.”
“I do,” I manage in a faint voice. “I’m surprised you’re even showing so early,” I add.
The pretty blonde merely giggles again, her blonde tresses swinging.
“I know, most women don’t show at this early stage. But everyone’s different and let’s just say that Rick knocked me uprealgood. Bye now!” she sings, waggling her fingers at me. “Thank you so much for your help. Here’s my card, just in case. What did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t say, but it’s Tracy,” I manage in a whisper.
Savannah nods while practically skipping down the walkway back to her car.
“Thank you, Tracy,” she sings. “Please tell Mr. Patton he can call me anytime to discuss the good news!”
With that, the young woman gets into her cheery yellow VW Bug and zooms off with one last wave my way. Then, I step back into the house and close the door, alone in the dimly lit foyer once more. What was that? Did Rick impregnate that woman? It certainly seems like it. But when?How?
I suppose the how is easy enough, but I thought that Rick and I were in an exclusive relationship. My mind begins to whir, trying to work out a chronology. Savannah said that she was six to ten weeks pregnant, so it likely happened right before we went to Bermuda. Nausea rises in my stomach as a pain tears through my heart, making me double over with agony. If that’s true, then Rick didn’t step out on me. He merely hooked up with another woman before we hooked up, and he’s gotten her pregnant from the looks of it.
Oh god, I know what he did wasn’t wrong, but why does itfeelwrong? Tears sting my eyes as I begin to sob in the empty foyer because my man is having a baby with another woman, even as I expect the baby of another man. How can this be happening? How can our life be so convoluted? Surely, this spells the end of my relationship with the handsome CEO because my lover is a responsible family man. If Savannah is having his child, then Rick’s going to do the right thing … even if it means leaving me in the dust.
Ibury my face into a sofa pillow at Chelsea’s house.
“There, there,” my friend consoles while patting my shoulder. “I’m sure it’s not so bad.”
I merely cry harder, drenching the expensive brocade with my tears.
“Itisthat bad,” I sob, my words a muffled mess as another paroxysm of sorrow overcomes me. “You didn’t meet her, Chels. Savannah was gorgeous, blooming, and so pregnant. She didn’t even hesitate to tell me either because she thought I was the help!”
Chelsea bites into a gingerbread cookie, looking thoughtful.
“Tell me more about this woman,” she invites. “So she just showed up on your doorstep? That sounds weird.”
I pull up, my face red and blotchy from crying, and my hair a bird’s nest. Come to think of it, I’m still wearing the ugly gray nap dress because after Savannah left, I immediately drove to my friend’s place. Fortunately, Chelsea was home and even better, her baby Ginnie is at day care so I can cry and scream as loud as I want.
“Agggh!” I shriek to the Heavens while tearing at my curls a bit. “That’s the thing! Yes, this woman just showed up on Rick’s doorstep claiming to be expecting his child! Why oh why is this happening?” I wail.
But Chelsea seems undisturbed, biting into her cookie again.
“But why would she come and tell Rick in person? I mean, wouldn’t she just text him or something?”
“No, because it’s a baby announcement!” I screech. “You’ve been pregnant before! This is something special that should be said in person.”
Chelsea nods thoughtfully, nibbling away at her cookie.
“But still. You said she’s really beautiful and young?”
I fall face forwards into the sofa cushion again.