Page 83 of Double Daddies
“But, it’s the office thing and the employee thing that bothers me.”
“You’re fired.”
Hunter reached out and punched Damienhardin the arm as the blonde man laughed at his own joke.
“He’s fucking kidding,” he said quickly to me before turning to the other man. “Tell heryou’re kidding, asshole.”
Damien grinned at me, shrugging. “I’m obviously kidding.”
“I think I understand what you mean,” Sean’s gruff voice cut through the other two. “It makes things…differentwith us being ‘in charge’ of you.”
“Yeah, that,” I said quietly, nodding.
“Well,” Hunter said, scratching his square chin thoughtfully. “So let’s take it outside the office. Let’s all go do something, show you this isn’t just three assholes taking advantage of the new secretary.”
I grinned, wagging a finger at him. “Hey, I didnotsay that.”
He grinned back. “So you don’t think we’re taking advantage of you?”
“No,” I said quietly, holding that gaze of his and shaking my head.
“What about just plaintakingyou?”
I gasped and turned, not realizing Sean had moved so close to my side. I met that dark look of his and nodded, feeling the thrill rush through me. “Yeah, uh, yeah that I’m pretty much on board with.”
“So, let’s do something,” Damien said with a nod.
“What, like me go on a date with all three of you?” I said with a curious smile.
“Exactly you going on a date with the three of us, actually,” Sean murmured, a hand trailing down my back.
I swallowed and quickly turned back to him as I nodded. “I think I’d like that. When should—”
“Fuck it, right now,” Hunter said with a casual shrug. “It’s a slow day, we’ll call it right now. Let’s take off.”
I laughed. “Must be nice owning your own company.”
“It’s looking pretty good right now,” Damien said with a wink and a grin.
“Okay, well.” I shrugged. “I guess my bosses just gave me the day off, so it looks like I might be free.”
The men laughed.
“Where are we going?”
“I think I’ve got a place in mind,” Hunter said. “It’s agreatbeach.”
I blinked. “The beach?”
“Exactly. Do you by chance have a passport on record?”
“What? Where—”
“Yes or no, Arianna?”
There was Hunter’s commanding tone, suddenly sending a shiver through my body.
I nodded quickly, feeling the desire suddenly throb between my legs.