Page 5 of Double Daddies
Lincoln Reece hadsaid my nameas he stroked his big, thick cock in the shower, and it wasmein his head that’d made him come.
That wastwicenow, frombothof them, that I’d heard the word and felt the way it made me shiver and gasp. There was something so freakingsexy, in this dirty, bad-girl way that teased through my body like nothing else ever had.
…And I’d beencravingthat feeling every since.
I’d triedeverythingto get back to the naughty, wicked thrill of that day, from both of them. Icravedthe feeling I’d felt when a sweating, gorgeous Wilder had basically pinned me to the wall and mentioned being my daddy. And Ineededthe intensity of watching Lincoln stoke his cock while thinking of me.
Swallow every drop of daddy’s cum, Kenzie.
I’d acted out, hoping that would get them to react to me like Wilder had that day. I dressed skimpier and skimpier, until I was practically prancing around the house in my underwear, hoping to tempt them into breaking.
But they never did, no matter how much I pushed or hoped.
That is, untilthatnight. I knew something was different the moment I walked into the house that night. It was just a feeling — like this invisible heat pulsing through the air and teasing over my skin the instant I stepped inside. And slowly, as my pulse raced and my skin tingled, I wondered if it’d worked. I wondered if staying outfarpast when I was supposed to be home had done it. Or if being dressed the way I was, with awaytoo short skirt, and a skimpy tank top which pretty clearly showed I wasn’t wearing a bra had done it. Or if being out with the sports-car driving, quarterback jock, boyishly good-looking Justin who had “sleazy intentions” written all over had done it.
…I wondered if I’dfinallypushed them over the edge.
I bit my lip as I opened the door to the dark, quiet house.
“Get in here.”
I gasped loudly as the strong, powerful hands grabbed me tight, pulling me into a firm, muscled body.
“What the hell do you think you’re—”
“No morebullshit, little girl,” Wilder’s voicegrowledinto my ear. My hands fell against his hard chest, and as I looked up into his dark, piercing eyes, my whole body trembled.
“It’s time to learn what happens tobad girlsin this house.”
“Get in the house,” Wilder growled lowly.
I felt my pulse beating hard beneath my chest at the powerful and commanding tone.
“You can’tboss mearound, you know,” I threw back. “You’re not my real—”
“Get inside,” he hissed, and Ishiveredat the heat in his voice.
“Fine!” I spat back, my whole body tingling with raw want. I pushed him aside and strode into the large entryway. “What are you gonna do,” I threw over my shoulder. “Punish me?”
I sauntered in, storming right into the huge living room that I loved, lined with shelves and shelves of leather books. But the little grin on my face dropped when I realized Lincoln was sitting calmly on one of the large, opulent, leather sofas, and I blushed fiercely. The two of them hadbothbeen the focus of every single dirty fantasy and dream I’d had for the last month. But I’dseenLincoln, even if it’d been blurred and steamy. And looking at him now, sitting back nursing a drink in dark jeans and a crisp white button-up, with his stupidly handsome cowboy chin and gorgeous blue eyes locked right on me brought it all back.
“Maybe I am.”
Wilder’s rough, firm voice was suddenly right behind me, and I gasped under my breath. I turned, trapped against the back of the sofa opposite Lincoln as I faced Wilder.
“You wouldn’tdare,” I whispered quietly. Wilder’s fierce gaze burned right into me, and IswearI could feel Lincoln’s eyes doing the same behind me. And caught between the two of them like that, I could feel my whole body tingling with raw heat.
“Where thefuckwere you?” Wilder growled.
His eyes narrowed.