Page 27 of Double Daddies
“I just did,” I growled back.
“You’re not my dad, you kn—”
“Except I think a littlebratlike you couldusea daddy,” I purred quietly.
Her cheeks wentbrightred, and I swear I could see her nipples harden through the thin lacy material of her bra. She gasped quietly, swallowing as my eyes blazed into her.
Fuck I was harder than I’d ever been, standing on the edge of diving into the unknown to see where this went. But I couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Lincoln told me.”
Her jaw dropped, and the flush turned downright scarlet across her face.
“So,” I growled, my hands clenching to fists and my cock throbbing hard as fucking steel inside my pants.
“So you think it’s okay to be adirty, bad little girl while I’m gone?”
She stammered, her mouth opening but no words coming out. Igrinned.
It wasn’t that I enjoyed watching her blush and stammer like this, it was that I knew what was coming next was all three of us stepping over that line we’d told ourselves was forbidden.
“So, you showed him your little pussy, huh?”
Kenzie whimpered as I growled the words out, the heat in the room almost pulsing around us.
“You showed him your tight littlevirgincunt and let him taste how fucking sweet it is? Oh, he told me everything, baby girl,” I growled. “He told me you taste likecandy.”
Kenzie gasped quietly, her body trembling and her nipples rock hard under her bra. I could see the way her panties were growing more see-through — wet and clinging to her little slit. I could barely fucking control myself. The urge to just tear her panties off and claim her right fucking there nearly did me in. But I wanted to draw this out. I wanted herbeggingfor it before I took her.
“He showed you his big cock too, didn’t he?”
Kenziemoanedout loud, her thighs clenching together as her breath caught.
“Tell me,” I growled.
“Yes,” she whispered back.
“I’m betting you’ve never seen a man’s cock like that before, have you?”
She shook her head, her eyes wide and her cheeks bright red.
“Only those littleboysfrom school?”
She shook her head again. “I’ve never, I mean…”
The heat inside of meroaredeven hotter. She wasn’t just a virgin, she’d never even seen another cock.
The thought seared it’s way into my brain. Fuckinggood.Ourswould be the only cocks she’d ever know. Because when we claimed her asours, and we would, she’d be ours and only ours. Always. No other man would lay a hand on this fucking angel. No other man would evenlookat her the way we did, unless he wanted an arm broken.
It’d beusthat claimed her, and made her ours, and kept her safe, and protected, and taken care of,always.
“Kenzie,” I purred, my voice tight and my cock almost tearing its way right out of my pants. She looked up and met my eye, her whole body trembling and her eyes so full of hunger.
“Turn around.”