Page 154 of Double Daddies
The fucker that’d hired us was after her.
I thought about last night, and how I knowbothof us had decided right then that no one was going to touch this girl. And I sure as shit wasn’t about to let it happen now that she’d maybe be staying in our lives a little longer.
Connor’s bike roared to life a millisecond before mine, and I gunned my engine to catch up with him as we went roaring out of town in the direction the sport car had gone after Abby. I was seeing fuckingred,just imagining the piece of shit chasing her - the same piece of shit who’d hit her and then hired to guys to drag her back when she’d left him.
No way was I going to let that man touch her again. No way Connor was either.
The bikesurgedbeneath me as we blasted down the highway after them.
* * *
Isawthe dust cloud billow up from over the next hill at the same time Connor did, judging from the roar I heard tear from his mouth over the sound of our bikes. I could feel the blood pounding like a hammer in my ear as we pushed our bikes to the absolute breaking point.
If she’s hurt I’ll fuckin kill him with my bare hands.
Fuck, I might kill him anyways if I caught the son of a bitch.
We crested the hill and I felt my heart lurch in my chest.
Abby’s car was on it’s side in the ditch at the side of the road about a quarter mile up the road, the wheels still spinning even with the engine off. The red sports car was pulled up behind it, and there, hauling her out of the wreck, washim.
She was on her knees, his hand holding a fist of her shirt as he towered over her. I watched as he brought his other hand up before bringing it down across her face, and I could feel my entire body explode witnessing it. I could feel the white rage welling up like fire inside of me as my eyes narrowed to dangerous slits.
Yeah, I was going to kill him.
The bikes weren’t even off before Connor and I both went diving off of them, crashing to the ground and rolling as we came up. A second man in a dark suit jumped from there red sports car with a gun in his hand, and I was aware of Connor roaring like a beast beside me as he unloaded the gun in his own hands. The man in the suit went punching backwards, blood exploding out where Connor’s bullets had nailed him as he dropped to the ground.
The other man by Abby whirled, his hand still clutching her shirt as brought the gun from his belt up and leveled at us.
“Stay back!” He growled, his pasty skin and his suit looking sweaty in the desert sun. He narrowed his eyes at us, baring his teeth as he pulled back the hammer of his gun. “Not another step or I’ll put one right between her eyes.”
“It’s the last move you’d ever make, you fucking piece of shit,” Connor growled next to me.
“Put em down, fellas!” The man sneered, and suddenly he had the gun trained on Abby. “Down or I swear to God-”
“Alright!” I roared, feeling the blood pounding in my veins. “Alright, easy now.” I glanced at Connor and he nodded as we both dropped our guns to the ground.
The man narrowed his eyes at us. “Don’t think I don’t know who you two lowlifes are. I hired you to do ajob, assholes. You think getting fuckingbrunchwas part of the deal?”
Abby’s eyes jerked up to ours. “What’s he talking about?”
“Shut up!” The man who I realized then was Joe DeMona whirled and spat at her. He looked back to us. “This is between me andmywoman, so you both can fuck off now.”
“Jackson, Connor,” Abby swallowed heavily, her eyes glistening as she looked at us both. “What was the job.”
Joe rolled his eyes. “The job was tofind youand get you back to me, bitch.”
And the look on her face was worse than physical hit I’d ever received. It was visceral, like taking a fuckin’ bullet to the gut as I watched all the joy and all the light go out of her eyes.
“Don’t listen to him, Abby,” Connor roared out, shaking his head. He looked as insane as I felt right then, mad with need to get her away from this guy. “We didn’t know who you were when we took the job.” He gritted his teeth. “No fucking way we were going to hand you over once we met you.”
I could see the fear in her eyes - the naked betrayal writ large across her face. “We meant everything we said, honey,” I said evenly, my eyes locked on hers. “Every fuckin word of it. There’s a life for you here.”
Joe hooted. “Oh my God, this is fuckinginsane!You two fuckwads got a thing for my girl?”
“She stopped being yours the second you laid your fucking hands on her,” I roared out, my eyes flashing to his as I saw red mist creep into my vision.
Joe spat in the dirt and leveled the gun at me. “You and you little friend have five seconds to start walking the other way before I fucking end you right here on the side of the road.”