Page 27 of On the Boss's Naughty List
Leisurely, I uncross my legs. Placing my pink-tipped fingers along my inner thighs, I spread wide, ensuring that my arousal-dampened panties are on full display. He stares at my pussy for a long, endless moment before he finally lifts his eyes back to mine. We are so entranced with each other that we barely notice Tim quickly closing the door behind Con and a definite click of the lock.
“Santa Daddy, do you have a present for me? My stocking is so empty. I can promise you I’ve been a very naughty girl this year.” I bat my eyelashes.
Con starts to loosen his tie as he takes his time crossing the room. He shrugs off his suit jacket and tosses it on the sofa, not taking his eyes off me the entire time.
“I only have presents for nice little girls, not naughty ones,” he drawls. He stops right between my thighs, his hips forcing my legs apart even more.
I pout. “Not even a piece of candy? I want to suck on something.”
He smirks. “Well, I do have something that only a very, very naughty girl can suck on.” He starts to undo his belt and then stops. “Since this is the only present naughty girls get, why don’t you unwrap it yourself?”
God, yes! Eagerly, I finish unbuckling and then scrabble with his zipper before I get it down far enough. Con is already huge—his cock practically leaps into my hand as I gently pull him out. The tip is wet with precum and I can’t wait to taste my treat.
“How did you know that I adore candy canes,” I croon before bending my head and licking the bulging crown, tracing my tongue around the tiny slit as it wept even more tears at my touch. I lick it all up with light, teasing flicks against his shaft.
He sweeps my hair to one side. “Santa Daddy enjoys watching his little girl suck his cock.”
I run my cheek along the velvet covered steel until my nose brushes his groin. I inhale, filling my lungs with the precious, unique scent of his. “And this little girl loves the taste of her Daddy.”
“Do you?” He threads his fingers through my hair. “Then show me.”
I shiver with excitement, but I don’t want to give in—not just yet. I give his cockhead a thorough, open-tongued kiss before lifting his organ and tonguing the underside.
He growls in warning which I ignore. I want more access to my delicious present so I push Con’s pants further down, revealing his strong, muscular thighs. I re-acquaint myself with the tiny mole on the his inside left thigh, giving it a small peck. I place light caresses on his ball sack and the super sensitive patch of skin right behind the testicles.
The hand in my hair grows tighter. “Don’t tease me, girl.” The low-throated menace in his voice sends a thrill through my body.
Again, I disregard his warning. I take my time tonguing the bulging veins in his cock, wetting the shaft with my saliva. My hand joins the party to add featherweight pets. His cock bobs and stiffens as I dance my tongue over every square inch, never letting up but never giving him the full satisfaction he craves.
Even though I know it’s coming, the hard jerk on my hair surprises me. The Santa hat goes tumbling to the floor as his hands bury themselves in my updo. Eyes watering, I peer up at him. The skin is stretched tight across his cheekbones and his blue eyes glitter with angry desire.
“Fucking open your mouth and suck me hard, girl, or you won’t get to touch Daddy for a week.”
My jaw drops. “A week?” I’d never survive. I wiggle my ass. “I thought my punishment is a spanking.” I love spankings. I try to get one every day if I can. The mere thought of his palm striking my flesh makes me wet. Life with Con is murder on a pair of panties. I’m always walking around damp between my legs—either from my own arousal or because he’s just eaten me out. He says he can’t survive a day without a serving of his honey girl.
“Spanking isn’t punishment for you,” he observes grimly. He tugs my hair back so far that my neck aches from the angle. “The only real penalty is to not have access to my cock. Is that what you want?”
Alarm spikes through me even as my panties floods with arousal. “But, Daddy, withholding your cock from me would hurt you, too.”
“If I have to go without to teach you a lesson, then so be it.” His hands drops away from my hair and moves to tuck himself back in his pants.
I slide forward off the desk and drop to my knees, knocking his hands away. “No. No. I want you, Daddy. Give me another chance and I’ll show you how much I want you.”