Page 6 of Stalking the Secret Baby
“I needed you to open the door.” Frostie shrugs shamelessly. “Sweets always do the trick.”
“Have you ever knocked and I didn’t answer?” I laugh. They are both being really weird.
“Sit down, Caroline. You should be taking it easy.” Frostie pulls out one of the chairs for me, and I wonder what the heck is going on.
“Wait, let me grab something.” I go back into the living room where I was sitting on the sofa with my drawing pad and watching a marathon of holiday movies.
My eyes linger on the scrap of paper sitting on the end table. I never keep it far from me even though I know the number by heart. The smell of Colden is long gone from it, but I know at some point I’ll have to use it. I almost used it a week ago when I had that small scare, but once I got to the hospital and they told me I was okay, I decided to hold off for a little longer.
The doctors didn’t put me on bed rest or anything, but I’m still taking it easy. I think I gave myself more of a scare than anything that day. I’d dreamed of Colden all through the night and when I woke up, I felt some funny cramping. Once I saw a few drops of blood, I panicked. I know it’s me working myself up, but I’m doing this alone, even if the girls say they’re going to be with me on this journey. At the end of the day, it will be me and this little boy all alone. Tins is starting her own love life, and I’m pretty sure something is up with Frostie. I’m just not sure what it is yet.
“Stop stalling,” Tinsel calls after me with a mouth full of cookie. I’m pretty sure she’s pregnant but hasn’t taken a test.
“I’m grabbing this.” I hold up the notepad.
“Is that my wedding dress?” Tins wipes the crumbs off her mouth with the back of her hand before she takes the pad from me. “You really are amazing.” A sparkle lights up her eyes. It’s a sweet reminder of why I do this.
“Plus, I’m good at my job,” I tease.
Tinsel gave me a few details of what she wanted in a dress, but I added some of my own touches that I knew she’d love. She can be a tomboy at times, but there’s still softness to her. I wanted to put all of that into her wedding dress, and I wanted it to be hers. Not only because it’s custom but because it represents her.
“It’s perfect, but you’re supposed to be relaxing.”
“Drawing is relaxing for me.” I sit down in the chair and put my hand on my small baby bump. “Are y’all going to tell me what’s going on, because I know something is up.” They glance at each other before Tinsel’s face grows serious.
“Time’s up, Caroline. We’re done doing this dance. Who is the baby daddy, and does he know?” That’s Tinsel's version of getting right to it. I’m impressed she lasted this long, honestly.
“I’m going to tell him. I just haven't done it yet. He’s not from here.” I know I have to call him at some point. I’ll tell him about the baby and give him an out.
“Why haven’t you told him?” Frostie asks, and her tone is softer.
“Because he’s married.” They both gasp. “I mean, he wasn’t when we did the deed,” I rush to say as panic rises inside of me. I don’t want them to think I’d do that knowing he belonged to another woman. “He was engaged, but I didn’t know that until after, and then the next day, it was just all…I, ah.”
“Slow down.” Tins grabs my arm. “Take a breath.” I suck in a deep breath, knowing she’s right. I can’t let myself get stressed or worked up. “Now start from the beginning.”
I give them a toned-down version of what happened, at least when it came to the sex part. They didn’t need to know how many times we went at it. They’re shocked enough that I’d taken a random man to a hotel and given up my virginity.
“He’s married now, and I’m about to blow up his life,” I mutter as my eyes fill with tears. “I swear when I saw him, I thought my soul had found my other half. I know it sounds crazy. Clearly I am because I was wrong, but there’s a woman out there I’m going to hurt too. If he tells her.” A very sweet woman whose wedding dress I made.
“If he tells her?” Tins lifts a brow.
“I don’t know what to do. I’m going to give him a choice. He can be a part of the baby's life or not. I’m not sure if I should tell the wife.” Tears start to stream down my face because I hate thinking about him being married and in love with some other woman. How could he love someone and do what he did?