Page 5 of Empire of Lust (Empire 4)
So what if I’m trembling all over? If I’m sweating? If I feel like throwing my guts up? I’m not a weakling.
I really shouldn’t have had so many drinks and put myself in a vulnerable position, where I can’t even defend myself or run properly.
The rustling of leaves reaches me first, followed by thudding footsteps. The next thing I know, two guys are approaching me. I can’t see their features, because the one in the purple suit has his face painted as the Joker and the one in all black is wearing an “Anonymous” mask.
Joker approaches me with purpose, but Anonymous stays back, a hand in his pocket and the other toying with an unlit cigarette. For some reason, I think I should be worried about him the most. Not only because he’s taller and way buffer, but also because those who wield the actual power often stay in the background.
“Told you I heard someone here,” Joker says, his voice resembling a frat boy from an Ivy League college.
My feet automatically falter and I hit 911 on my phone, but before I can call, Joker snatches it and throws it out of my reach. “That’s not a wise choice.”
“I didn’t see anything…” I whisper, fruitlessly trying to control the tremor in my voice.
“Oh, yeah?” He grabs me by the arm, his meaty fingers sinking into my flesh. He smells like foul cologne that should be a crime to wear. “We’ll have to take insurance.”
“You’ll let us have our way with you as a show of obedience, won’t you?”
“No.” It takes everything in me to stare into his glimmering eyes in the darkness instead of hyperventilating. “Let me go.”
“Wrong choice.” The sadism in his voice freezes me for a second.
Only a second, though.
Adrenaline kicks in my veins, and I can see straight through to where this is headed.
It’s my sixth sense. Predicting scenarios before they come along. It’s not that I have witch blood, as many of my classmates say. It’s that I’m really good with connecting patterns and seeing the bigger picture.
And the picture currently says that I’m the prey in this scenario. And I have to do something about it if I don’t want to be eaten.
When I twist my arm in the Joker’s hold, he tightens his grip and pulls me down. I try to stay upright, I really do, but he’s strong and I’m so drunk that I don’t feel the thud until I’m flush with the grass.
The bruise on my back from the pan hitting it earlier throbs, and I open my mouth to scream for help, but he slaps a firm palm over it.
The stench of his cologne and sweaty male musk gags me as he maneuvers himself above me. While he’s searching for a comfortable position, I lift my knee and hit him in the balls.
He jerks away with an animalistic wail and I use the chance to crawl from beneath him.
“You fucking bitch!” He grabs his hurt genitals and yanks me back by the hair. The world is ripped from under my feet, but before I can hit the ground, he pushes me forward and I slam against a tree trunk.
“You’re going to regret messing with me, bitch.” His repulsive voice fills my ears and the putrid smell of alcohol is the only thing I can breathe. At this point, I have no clue if it’s coming from him or me.
“Go ahead, you rotten piece of shit,” I spit out from between chattering teeth. “You think I’m scared of you or your fragile masculinity that you need to show by assaulting me? Show me your worst, asshole. See if I fucking care!”
“This bitch…”
He pulls my hair until he nearly rips it from its roots, and tears sting my eyes. I bite my lip hard enough that I swallow the pungent metallic taste of blood.
But I don’t whimper, don’t show him my pain, and I definitely don’t beg. Assholes like him, my aunt, my uncle, and my father are all the same.
They want to display their power by latching onto those who are weaker than them, but I’m not my mother.
I won’t be a victim or a statistic.
I won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me suffer.