Page 35 of Empire of Lust (Empire 4)
“Oh, well. Doesn’t hurt to wish.”
“You really want nothing of his?”
She shakes her head with a whimsical expression on her face. “When I first divorced Steven, Mateo made sure my ex-husband signed the house, the cars, and two yachts over to my name. I felt so triumphant, because I hated the slimy asshole and was happy I could get some monetary compensation for the physical and mental abuse I went through. But it’s different now. I don’t want anything that reminds me of Mateo. So tell Nicolo you convinced me to walk away with nothing. He’ll be pleased with you for driving the gold digger, aka me, away.”
She retrieves a card from her small bag and slides it across the table. “Now that the crap is over, let’s meet for mimosas sometime under less stressful conditions.”
I grab her wrist as she’s about to retreat and my eyes widen at the violet fingerprints on her arm. I pull her down and stare closely at her face. Sure enough, there are bluish marks beneath her heavy foundation and concealer.
My blood boils as I say in a guttural voice, “Did Mateo hit you?”
She swiftly jerks from my hold and plasters on a fake smile. “It’s nothing you should worry about.”
“Caroline, either tell me or I’m taking your ass to report this to the police, even while you’re kicking and screaming. Actually, I’m taking you anyway, so speak while I’m still being nice.”
“Bitch, please. This is nice?” She laughs.
“Caroline,” I warn.
“It wasn’t Mateo. That date I mentioned earlier? He’s from a rival crime family and, shocker, he doesn’t like being told no. So he decorated my face with his own lash of violence.” She clears her throat. “Mateo doesn’t know about this. Don’t tell him or he’ll be sent back to jail for a lifetime subscription. This time for murder. I mean, yes, he’s a prick and a damn cheater, but I don’t want him to spend his life behind bars because of me.”
“Jesus.” I sigh, joining her side.
“Not sure he can do anything. Some people are just off his mercy radar.”
“Stop joking.”
She gives a bitter smile. “Would you rather I throw a pity party and wallow in misery?”
“At least take this seriously. Why did you even go to another mafia man?”
“Why do you think? For old-fashioned revenge the Mateo way. Karma and I are cut from the same bitch cloth and have a similar dark sense of humor.”
“You should get a restraining order against both men and hire some bodyguards.”
“Stop acting like my nonexistent mother, Aspen. I’m an adult.”
“Who still can’t sense danger even after it hits her in the face. Literally.”
“Ouch.Touché.” She smiles, then hugs me out of nowhere. I freeze as her frail arms wrap around me. “I missed you, bitch. I’m glad we met again.”
I slowly lift my hand and pat her back, and I can feel her sniffling against my chest, but I don’t say anything out of fear of dropping the most awkward bomb of the century.
After a few moments, she pulls back and wipes her eyes. “Enough about me, tell me about you.”
“I’m as you see.”
“Don’t give me that. Wait, are you still mad because you think I told your aunt and uncle about that night?”
“No. I kind of forgot about that.”
“It wasn’t me, Aspen. I swear.”
“What do you mean it wasn’t you? Aunt Sharon said you told her. Forget it, anyway. It’s all in the past.”
“I can’t just forget it. That hooker lied to make you feel alone. You were my ride or die, and I wouldn’t have sold you out. I tried talking to you, but they had you under house arrest during the period of your pregnancy and had thugs watch over your house. I came to the hospital after you had the baby, though, but you were too dazed to even know I was there. After that, you were gone.”
My throat dries as I whisper, “I ran away.”