Page 148 of Empire of Lust (Empire 4)
“That will change.”
“You talk as if you’re my rival.” He pauses chewing when my fingers falter on a cup. “Hold on a second. You do consider me a rival, don’t you?”
“And you don’t?”
“No. You’re a senior partner at my firm. We’re supposed to be subordinates, not rivals.”
“Then why were you trying to sabotage my cases when you first found out I’m Gwen’s mother?”
“Pure spite.”
“Not rivalry?”
I sigh. “I can’t believe I’ve been at this rivalry thing on my own all this time.”
“It’s adorable, though. Thinking about you trying to beat my percentage and getting worked up about it, is kind of a turn on. Want to fuck it out of our systems?”
“No, Kingsley.”
He lifts a shoulder and dunks the remains of the apple in the trash can. “Worth a try.”
I catch a glimpse of him disappearing into the living room and browsing through Netflix as I load the dishes in the dishwasher.
“Do you have any other pillows that don’t advocate Caroline’s Barbie personality?” he calls, kicking away the fluffy pillows.
I smile. “In the closet of the room down the hall.”
He throws one more fluffy pillow away with no other intention than pure malice before he heads to where I directed him. I grab some snacks and shove some popcorn in the microwave. It isn’t until the eerie silence of the apartment stabs me in the chest that I recall what else is in the closet of the room Kingsley just went to.
Damn it.
I practically jog down the hall and all breaths are knocked out of my lungs when I find a scene that’s straight out of my most dreaded situations.
The dim yellow light casts a soft glow on Kingsley as he stands in front of the open closet. The pillows he came for are scattered on the floor as his whole attention zeroes in on the box in his hand.
I slowly step to his side, my heart beating in my throat. “It’s…not what you think.”
His eyes turn into molten lava as they slide from the box to me. “Are you telling me these are not in fact the mask and scarf you had on the night I knocked you up?”
“They are, but…” I trail off, completely distracted by the way he glides his fingers over the flannel scarf as if it’s my body.
Damn it, me. This is about the worst time to get horny.
“But what?”
“They don’t mean anything.”
“Liar. You kept these things for twenty-one years, so they most definitely mean something. You liked me that much, huh?”
“Shut up.”
“No. You’re not going to hide this time. I thought you burned everything to do with me, but I guess this mask and scarf miraculously escaped the fire.”
“Can you pretend you didn’t see them?”
“No can do. Admit it, you were infatuated with me.”