Page 137 of Empire of Lust (Empire 4)
“What?” I take a sip from the small bottle of water I’ve been carrying around.
“Do you love my dad?”
I choke on the water for the second time tonight. “W-what? No…”
Her brow furrows as if the answer is disappointing. “I know I said he’s evil sometimes, but he’s the best father ever. And okay, maybe his legal battles with Susan are over the top, but she provokes him, too, and she was the reason behind Grandma’s death and still calls her names. Also, he’s a good man deep down, so give him a chance.”
“A chance for what?”
“To love him.”
“That’s not how it works, Gwen.”
“But what if Dad loves you?”
“Believe me, that’s not the case.” He’s not capable of loving another person. The only reason he loves Gwen is because she’s his flesh and blood.
She’s part of him. I most definitely am not.
“How can you be so sure? Did you ask him?”
“No, and I absolutely won’t.” Unless I want to make a bigger fool out of myself. “If whatever we have makes you uncomfortable, then I can…”
The wordsend itget stuck in my throat and I don’t know why the hell I’m on the verge of tears at the thought.
“You can what?” Gwen gauges my expression. “End it?”
“If…you prefer. It’s better than you holding out vain hope that this is a reunion or something. Kingsley and I never had a relationship in the first place.”
“But you had a connection, right? Auntie Callie told me you never shut up about him back then.”
Since when does she call Caroline ‘Auntie Callie’ and why is that big-mouthed idiot telling my secrets? “I was a clueless teenager. I thankfully got over those hormonal emotions.”
“I don’t think you can completely get over your first crush. They hold a piece of you forever. Look at me. I had a crush on Nate since I was fifteen, and even though he rejected me years later, I still couldn’t get him out of my mind.”
“That’s different. Nate eventually reciprocated, and honestly, he didn’t stand a chance with your determination. Kingsley, however…”
“You know full well that your father doesn’t love anyone but you.”
“Well, true. But hey, he can add you to his shortlist.”
Can and will are entirely different, and I’m older and emotionally mature enough not to wish for the impossible.
I direct the conversation back to her and Nate so I don’t get caught up in my own thoughts again.
The three of us play a board game and watch a horror movie, per Gwen’s request, in the middle of which she falls asleep against my arm.
Nate carries her away too soon. “Let me get her to bed and I’ll be back.”
“No need. I can find my way out.” I lean over and kiss her forehead, my lips lingering there for a bit. “Night, baby.”
I put on my shoes and drink a whole bottle of water from the kitchen.
“Aspen, wait.”
I turn around with my hand on my car door handle.