Page 62 of Empire of Hate (Empire 3)
He moves the pasta on his plate. “Because you have to go back to England because of me. Because he…he’s coming for me.”
“No one is coming for you, Jay. Not when you’re with me.”
He lifts his innocent eyes to me, and they’re wide and expectant. “Promise?”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” I smile and motion at the pasta. “Now, eat your food.”
He digs in, appearing satisfied. “So good, Nikki.”
“Eat up, then.”
I’m about to take my first bite when my phone dings with a text.
My heart nearly reaches my throat when I see the name.
Bloody Idiot:Come to my flat. I need you to review a last-minute contract.
No. No, he doesn’t.
Bloody Idiot:And bring me something to eat from Katerina’s.
My fingers are basically punching the screen when I type.
Me:Excuse me, sir, but I’m off duty and spending personal time with my family.
Bloody Idiot:I don’t give a fuck about your personal time or your family. And you’re not off duty unless I say otherwise. Be here in thirty minutes or don’t bother showing up to work tomorrow.
I release a frustrated sound that makes Jay pause eating and give me a “what’s going on?” look.
“It’s just my twat of a boss.”
“Your typing sounded like you were about to punch someone to death.”
“Him, preferably,” I mutter, then sigh. “Sorry, Jay, can I take a rain check on the film? I have last-minute work.”
His shoulders hunch, and I hate how he quickly fakes a smile. “It’s okay. You’d fall asleep anyway.”
“So sorry, baby. But I will stay for dinner.”
Jay smiles genuinely at that and my heart bursts. What have I done to deserve this blessing?
I call Katerina’s restaurant beforehand to ask them to prepare me the meal, but Jonas informs me that they’re not accepting orders anymore.
So I tried to tell him it’s for Daniel and even begged him to let one slide, but he snobbishly hung up the phone in my face.
He and his chef have never liked me since that pesto and parmesan incident, which Daniel threw away as I predicted.
My gaze falls on my untouched plate and I chew my lip as an idea pops in my head.
This way, I get to spend a few more precious minutes with Jay. Daniel will throw away anything that’s not from Katerina anyway. He throws away half her dishes, too, because he’s picky as fuck.
I really only witness him consume unhealthy amounts of protein bars sometimes.
Ten minutes later, I reluctantly kiss Jay’s head, put the pasta in a takeout box, and head to Daniel’s flat.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been to his building. He gave me access to his flat on the first day I started working for him so I could personally deliver his dry cleaning.