Page 43 of Empire of Hate (Empire 3)
Ronan: One of the blonde hookers you’ve been sending him?
Knox:Something close to that.
Xander:Fuck me, his assistant is really a hooker?
Knox:No, she’s a blonde.
Ronan:Isn’t he allergic to those?
Knox:He is, but this isn’t just any blonde. She’s the original blonde. You know, the one who broke his heart.
Xander:You don’t mean…?
Knox:The name is Nicole Adler.
Levi:What the fuck? I thought she disappeared off the face of the earth.
Knox:Apparently not. She’s right here at Weaver & Shaw and currently working as Daniel’s personal slave. Sorry, I mean assistant.
Aiden:I didn’t know Daniel had a thing with Astrid’s stepsister.
Cole:Since when do you care about anyone but yourself?
Aiden:You fuck off.
Ronan:Me neither. I thought it was harmless flirting or whatever. I remember Danny boy saying she’s a major bitch and that’s it.
Xander:I saw them coming out of a room together once. Didn’t think much of it. Who would have thought she was the blonde who traumatized him to all blondes?
Knox:He was pissed drunk during university and when I asked why he purposefully avoided blondes, he told me because one of them ruined everything. I had to stop him from hopping on a plane to England in his state. He said he wanted to find her, strangle her, and revenge-fuck her, and maybe do it all over again. And then he was spouting shit about peaches and whatever.
Aiden:Sounds like Daniel.
Xander:Now, I’m intrigued. Hey, Lev, did Astrid mention anything about them?
Levi:Vaguely. Apparently, Daniel is closed off about anything Nicole. He doesn’t like any subject that includes her. But then again, Astrid and Nicole never liked one another.
Knox:I’ll keep you posted on the state of things here.
Ronan:Send us pictures, dear brother in-law.
Knox:At your service, Ron. Here’s to Daniel curing his blonde phobia.
The guys break out in a fit of laughter and continue joking around at my expense.
So I send them screenshots of when each of them was making a fool out of themselves, but that only gets me in worse trouble since their sarcasm meter goes up a notch.
To say I’m grumpy this morning would be an understatement. Not only did the bastard Knox send me another blonde hooker last night, but he also went ahead and started this fucking circus.
The hookers are payback for how I called him out about not wrapping it up for the first time in his life, but now he’s making it a damn habit because he’s a cunt.
Or maybe I’m in a foul mood after what happened yesterday.
After I saw Nicole’s tears for the first time and touched them. After I heard her say she’s only tolerating my despicable presence because she wants to keep a roof over her family’s head.