Page 17 of Empire of Hate (Empire 3)
Ilearned early on to become a cat who’s full.
The type of cat who plays with his prey, tormenting it just for fun. And because he’s not hungry, the process can go on forever, until either the prey continues floundering in pain or dies of shock.
It’s a principle I’ve applied in my life ever since I found out about it.
I made sure to never be a hungry cat who offers their prey mercy and to make sure I play with them until I’m satisfied.
The reason I chose to become a solicitor is also because of that. I steered clear of criminal law and its needless hassle and chose international law instead.
That way, I get to feed the cat and never let it go hungry. With time, I became known as the player of the law circuit.
Not because I’m actually a player, although I am, but because I play games. Whether it’s psychological or manipulative, I’m not beneath playing games to win cases for my clients.
I’m not beneath being the ultimate player everyone wishes they could beat in court.
It’s how I obtained the type of reputation where people think twice before going against me.
I’m all fun and laughs until I flip the switch and turn everything into a game.
I’m playing one right now. One that’s different from all the other games I’ve played.
Usually, I only play a game when I’m ninety percent sure that I’ll win. The ten percent is the fun risk factor. This time, however, I’m not sure if that’s the same percentage or if it’s slightly lower.
Perhaps it’s higher because I won’t stop until I crush this game.
Until the prey decides to perish on its own.
Sitting behind my desk, I smooth my tie and watch through the space separating my office from Nicole’s.
She’s been reading through a contract draft that I asked her to proofread while simultaneously answering incoming calls, which obviously distracts her, because she shakes her head and flips to the previous page.
I lean back in my chair and watch the flutter of her thick lashes over her cheeks as she stares down at the paper.
Like yesterday, her hair is gathered in a ponytail, which highlights the soft contours of her face and her plump lips that are the color of peaches.
It doesn’t matter how many years pass or how old she gets, Nicole was and always will be beautiful. The provocative type.
The type I want to snuff out and shove down her slender throat.
Today, she’s wearing a dark green shirt that brings out the color of her eyes. They’re like a forest in the middle of winter. Mysterious. Manipulative.
That’s what she’s always been like—a lethal poison waiting for the next victim to attack.
A venom that’s designed to make people lose their minds.
Which is why I started this game.
She fucked with me first, and it’s time she has a taste of her own medicine.
When I saw her in one of Weaver & Shaw’s halls, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
It’s been eleven years. Eleven fucking years since I last saw her, but that one glimpse was enough to provoke the raging monster inside me.
One glimpse and it all came crashing down on me without mercy.
So I gave HR her name and asked what she was doing here when she’s supposed to be in fucking London where I bloody left her.