Page 87 of Empire of Sin (Empire 2)
“You’re weird.” She rolls her eyes. “Next, you’ll tell me you didn’t read the books.”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh my God, who are you and where have you been living?”
“In England, where those books were set and I’m still not interested.”
“How aboutLord of the Rings?The Hobbit?”
“No and no.”
She gasps inaudibly, her mouth closing, then opening a few times. “How is that even possible? Wait. Are you from another planet?”
“Nope, earthling through and through.”
“This won’t do.” She shakes her head with pity written all over her face. “I’m going to have to fill in the gaps you’re missing. We’ll start with the books and then the movies.”
“Why in that order?”
“The books are always better, duh.”
I smile at the way she says “duh.” It’s a new word for her, something that she most likely learned from Gwen.
“What if I don’t like any of them?” I ask with a poker face, egging her on.
She takes the bait, a frown appearing between her brows. “Then we’ll reread them until you do.”
“Yeah, I’ll read them for you.”
“Hmm. Depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether or not I get to touch you during the process.”
Her face goes red again and it’s fucking adorable. “Does everything have to include touching?”
“If I can help it.”
“Fine. But you need to focus on the story.”
“I’m good at multitasking.” I grab her by the waist and lift her up on the counter. She squeals, her fingers latching onto my gray T-shirt. “Which book are we starting with?”
“Which one do you want?” she asks breathlessly.
“What’s your favorite fantasy book?”
“Peter Pan.”
“Because I used to think I was Wendy when I was a kid. She was a free fairy and could fly away any time she wanted.”
“Is that what you want?”
Her lashes flutter against her cheeks as she lets out a low, “Maybe.”