Page 67 of Empire of Sin (Empire 2)
“Have you ever forgotten to wrap it?”
I realize the mistake in asking the question the moment it leaves my lips. The fucker Dan stares at me funny, tilting his head to the side and nearly dropping the cup of coffee from his hand.
He swallows the contents of his mouth slowly, then places the cup on the table. “Did you just say forget to wrap it? As in,youforgot to wrap it?”
I stand, facing the window that overlooks New York City, and think of a million ways to somehow go back a minute in time.
Or maybe a day, because ever since I fucked Anastasia in public,bareand against a fucking wall, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.
About the way she felt, how she moaned and clenched and came undone around me.
She was a masterpiece, one I didn’t know I needed until she was there, at that moment, all mine for the taking.
And fuck me if I remembered to put on a condom.
Yes, I lied. I did in fact have a condom on me. Ever since that first time in the supply room, I always walk around with one.
But at that moment when she was completely at my mercy, her wetness soaking my fingers and her body glued to mine, I completely forgot about the bloody condom.
I never fuck without a condom. Fuckingever.
All that information was background noise with Anastasia. Completely and utterly unimportant.
“I’m just asking you. It’s a hypothetical situation, Dan.”
“Don’t give me that bollocks. It’s you, isn’t it?” He stands up and circles me like a curious cat. “You did! Who was it? Just tell me it’s not a blonde.”
“It is.” Originally, at least.
“Blimey, that’s a game-changer, but it’s fine.” He holds an imaginary microphone. “What’s her name? Her number? Why didn’t you invite me to fuck her?”
“That won’t be happening.”
“What? Why? Wait a minute. You found your girl from Jersey! She’s also blonde and you’re all secretive about her.”
“She’s not…” I trail off, because the thought of her being my girl turns my blood hot. If it were any other time, it would’ve been freezing cold at the thought of commitment.
I’ve never liked that, commitment, never seen the point behind it. Which is why I’ve never had a relationship or brought a girl home, never introduced them to Dad or my sisters.
The possibility of Anastasia meeting them makes me pause. I wonder how they’d feel about her and if—
I internally shake my head, forbidding those thoughts from going any further.
“She’s not what?”
“From Jersey.”
“Uh-huh. Give me her number and I’ll check myself. Something tells me you’re lying and she’s not a blonde. Which is uncool, mate. I don’t mind sharing with you, do I? So you should give me the same privileges.”
A red-hot fire grabs hold of me at the image of Daniel calling her or getting close to her.
If he touches her…I’ll fucking throw him out the window.
I’m not the type who has violent thoughts,usually, but because of her, I’m having constant pulses of strange emotions.
“You won’t be getting it, Dan,” I say with a calm I don’t feel.