Page 115 of Empire of Sin (Empire 2)
“Not going to happen. We didn’t come all this way just to leave. Right, Teal?”
Knox’s twin sister nods. “Yes. After all, I’m here because I was wondering what’s making you so different lately.”
“What? You wouldn’t tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“Obviously, there is.” Elsa smiles with clear mischief. “I’m so glad we decided to tag along on Dad’s business trip.”
“Well, I’m not. So the three of you can leave.”
“No,” Teal announces point-blank.
Elsa hugs her by the shoulder. “What she said.”
“I’m calling your husbands.” He reaches into his pocket and retrieves his phone and then he puts it on speakerphone as it rings.
I fidget when I read the caller ID—Aiden.
He picks up with a deep, bored, “Hey, fucker.”
“Hello to you, too, arsehole. In case you didn’t know, Elsa is here, in New York. I don’t see you anywhere near her, which, if I remember correctly, hasn’t happened in the past thousand years.”
Knox pauses, then shakes the phone as if he can physically shake the person on the other end. “Hello? Is this Aiden King’s phone? Who are you and what the bloody hell did you do to the crazy fucker?”
“Shut the fuck up and take care of Elsa for these couple of days.” There’s a tinge of annoyance in Aiden’s deep voice. He sounds a bit murderous, too.
I only heard him on the phone, but that’s enough to send a shiver down my spine. I can’t imagine what it’s like to meet him in real life.
My gaze flits to Elsa, who seems nonchalant. She’s gorgeous and appears laid back—which can’t be said about her husband. And I find myself wondering how they’re even together.
Knox’s grip tightens on the phone and that brings my attention back to him. “Or you can come here yourself and pick her up or something? Send your plane over.”
“Not until the forty-eight hours are over.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head? Because there’s no way in fuck you’d let her be away from you for this long.”
Aiden pauses before he says, “I was promised things.”
Elsa smiles, then whispers, “Plural.”
Aiden, who seemingly didn’t know he was on speakerphone, releases a breath, then lowers his voice until it takes an edge. “Fucking plural, sweetheart.”
“I can’t believe you let her manipulate you, King,” Knox taunts. “You’ve lost your touch.”
“Fuck you. If she comes back with one hair on her head hurt, consider yourself dead, Van Doren.”
And with that, he hangs up.
Knox curses, then narrows his eyes on Elsa. “What did you promise that crazy fuck so that he’d let you out of his sight.”
“It’s our secret.” She winks.
“Eww. Disgusting. But this isn’t over.” He directs his phone at them as if it’s a weapon, then dials another number. This time, I see the name “Ronan” on his screen.