Page 60 of Empire of Desire (Empire 1)
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re perfect.”
“Just not perfect for you?”
“Yeah, I guess. If I weren’t crazy, I would’ve chosen you.”
“It’s because you’re a little crazy that I like you, Gwen. People who don’t appreciate that about you don’t deserve you.”
“They don’t?”
“Nope and you need to cut them off from your life.”
“But what if I can’t? What if they already made a snuggly place for themselves in there and it’s impossible to find them, let alone remove them?”
He relaxes back in his seat, crossing one ankle over the other, and takes a sip of his iced coffee. His favorite drink is similar to his personality—cool, delicious, and definitely soothing. “I guess that means you’re in too deep.”
“Nope, no. You’re supposed to tell me I should find a way to push them away, even if I’ll get hurt in the process.”
He tilts his head to the side. “Why do you have to get hurt in the process? If anyone should be in pain, it’s them.”
“I don’t like that—hurting people, I mean. I feel horrible doing it to you.”
“Never mind me. I’ll just be your practice, babe. Now, tell me, who’s the asshole?”
“You…don’t know him.”
Of course, he does.
Everyone in the country knows about the Weavers and their power. Besides, Chris studies pre-law, so he’s more than aware of W&S.
But I’m a coward, okay? I don’t want him to judge me for being so hopelessly and stupidly into Dad’s best friend. I usually wouldn’t care, but Chris is special. He likes my weirdness, and people like him are keepers. I don’t want him to run for the hills because I’m upset that someone who’s way older than me is out with someone more suitable. Someone close to his age and who works with him.
I scoff, slurping half of the milkshake without the straw to soothe my burning throat.
“Whoever he is, he’s a jerk who doesn’t deserve your time.”
“Yeah, he’s a fucking asshole.”
“A motherfucker.”
“A cold bastard with no feelings.”
“Get it off your chest, Gwen.”
“And…and he’s never even stopped to ask me things, you know, even though I’ve learned everything about him. He thinks I’m a kid, because he likes to remind me that I’myoung. He likes bringing up the age part because I can’t fight it. So he’s like the biggest jerk to ever exist and I hate him sometimes. I wish I could hate him all the time.”
Chris smiles a little. “It’ll take practice, but you’ll get there.”
I sigh, feeling a little relieved after my outburst. “Thanks for listening to me blabber even though I was a bitch to you.”
“You were never a bitch, Gwen. You gave enough signs to push me away, but I wanted to stay close. It’s my choice and I still stand by it.”
“You still want to be friends?”
“Of course. Besides, you’re stuck with me for the summer.”
“I got accepted for an internship at W&S.”