Page 37 of Empire of Desire (Empire 1)
“Huh?” I’m so completely taken aback that no other words come out.
“If I’m not your keeper, what am I?”
My dad’s best friend.But I don’t want to say that, because I hate it. I hate that it’s all he’ll ever be.
“A friend?” I try.
“I don’t do friends.”
“But you have Aspen.”
“Aspen and I work together and we’re close in age. Do you fall into that category?”
I twist my lips, wiping my clammy palm against my denim shorts.
“Do you, Gwyneth?”
Damn it and him and Aspen. And what’s with his need to have an answer to every question he poses? The dictator.
“No, I don’t. But age is only a number, you know. Just because I’m younger doesn’t mean I can’t work or be friends with you. Those things can be changed.”
“No, they can’t.”
“Yes, they can.” I plant my feet wide apart.
“Let’s say they can. That won’t be happening in the near future. So what does it make me now?”
“Yeah, just you. I don’t need a category to stuff you into. You’re just Nate.”
“That’s not true, though, is it?” He motions at my smartwatch and I stare at it, thinking maybe it melted by being in his presence, because that’s how it feels sometimes. Like I’m the helpless star in the sun’s orbit and my only destiny is to burn.
“What time is it?”
“Eleven, why?”
“Where were you supposed to be an hour ago, Gwyneth?”
“Oh isn’t a place. Where were you supposed to be?”
“At City Hall.”
“To get married.”
“And were you there?”
“You know the answer to that.”
“I need you to say it. Were you there?”
“No, but that’s because I came here and forgot about the time…”