Page 64 of Play By The Rules
“What things?”
“We’re going shopping. You have a date Friday,” she tells me, wagging her eyebrows in my direction. I shoot up, the duvet falling past my naked breasts. Pulling it up quickly, I stare at her wide eyes.
“You told us to set up a date, remember?”
Shit. I totally did that.
That was before last night and whatever that moment was between Theodore and me. She must notice my wince because she whacks me in the shoulder before glaring at me.
“You promised you wouldn’t back out,” she snaps, her eyes narrowing on me. Grimacing, I pull away from her swatting before she can land a hit on me again. “You’re going.”
“I just—” I pause, not wanting to tell her about the previous night. It feels too intimate. A private moment between Theodore and me.
And there’s also the fact that I’m still not sure what he actually wants from me. “You’re right. I’m not backing out.”
She claps her hands happily, jumping off my bed. “Get ready, and I’ll treat you to breakfast.”
“Who’s the guy?” I ask, but she’s already gone, leaving me alone once more. With a yawn, I slide out of bed, moving into my bathroom and flipping the shower on.
We’re sitting down for food an hour later at a small, quaint pub. Oak accents surround the place, with green foliage spilling over almost everything, it’s cute and homey. Very fitting for the Dales.
Our breakfast comes out and we talk about everything and nothing, catching up on daily life. Even though we live together, it’s rare we get these moments to enjoy each other’s company. When I’m finishing my tea, she finally tells me about the date.
“So, Noah and I were thinking,” she starts, fiddling with the spoon in her mug. “Since your first date wasn’t the best, and we’re not sure you’re suited to sit-down meals.”
“Okay.” My voice is cautious and slow. I’m not sure where she’s taking this nor do I think I will like it.
“We’re doing a double date, going out into the city.”
“Okay, that sounds good,” I tell her earnestly with a smile. Though when she smiles back sheepishly, I know she’s hiding something. “What is it?”
“Well, see. We were asking around, getting a feel for some guys, and Adam kind of overheard.”
“Fallon—” I cut her off with a glare. I’ve been happily avoiding him for weeks since our first date, he’s texted a few times trying to follow up with a second, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve ghosted him completely. I thought after seeing Theodore finger-fuck me in the dining hall, he’d finally get the hint.
“No. I’m not going on a date with him again, he’s super weird dude.”
“I know.” She sighs, taking a sip of her drink before continuing, “But after Theodore basically claimed you in the dining hall, he’s the only guy that will actually go on a date with you. So, since we’re doing the whole fuck-Theo thing, we’re kind of stuck with him.”
“Really?” I deadpan, not bothering to tell her how I, more or less, did the whole “fuck-Theo thing” literally last night. That will go down like a lead balloon since she’s clearly still sitting onTeam He Can Get Hit by a Truck. And logically, I’m not sure if I’m not still on that team either.
Though I doubt going on a second date with Adam will make this whole situation better.
“Really. But it’s fine since Noah and I are tagging along too, there’s nothing to stress about. Right?”
“Right,” I agree warily.
ThemomentIstepinto English, Theodore’s eyes lock on mine and a wide grin spreads across his face. The seat beside his remains empty, his arm slung over the back. He lifts two fingers, beckoning me towards him, but I hesitate. I haven’t seen him since he snuck out of my room, and I’m not sure what personality he’s rocking today.
“Casper,” he calls, unfazed to the heads that turn in his direction as he watches me, waiting. “Get your arse in this seat, baby. Or I’ll have to punish you.”
A gasp comes from behind me before Anna stomps past, dropping into the empty table at the front. She scowls at me, her eyes cold, as I slowly make my way to the back of the room. Theodore lifts my bag off my shoulder, placing it gently on the floor, before he pulls my chair out for me.