Page 60 of Play By The Rules
“How the fuck did you get in?”
“Casper,” Theodore tuts, a placating smile on his face as though to tamper my annoyance. Grabbing one of the many cushions Betty has adorned the couch with, I launch one straight at his stupid head. He swats it away, watching it drop to the floor before he continues, “You should know better than to assume a locked door will get in my way. Haven’t you learnt that much by now?”
My body heats at the reminder of the two nights he slipped into my bedroom past dark. I can’t say I’ve thought much about how he got in; I assumed one of us had left the door open, but now I’m thinking that isn’t the case.
“Well, you can kindly fuck off now please.”
“Cute,” he drawls, coming to join me on the couch. His hand rests over the back while he moves his leg flush to mine. “We’re having a movie day.”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun, Fal,” Gage says, dropping down into one of the armchairs with a bag of popcorn and beers he raided from my kitchen. When Kyle takes the other, I roll my eyes.
“Yes, really,” Theodore says, his voice right in my ear. My head snaps towards him, my eyes falling to his lips when his tongue slides across the bottom one. When he notices I’m staring, he chuckles softly.
“Can we not?” I say breathlessly, lifting my gaze to his. His eyes lock on mine, that same intensity shining back at me that was there Friday night. My breath slows, my heart beating way too fast to be healthy as he stares at me.
“Who knows, Casper,” he tells me, his lips moving against mine as he leans further into me. “Maybe you’ll enjoy yourself.”
The door opens with a bang, and loud laughter follows. Betty walks into the room, pausing when she takes in the four of us. Her eyes widen slightly before she narrows her gaze on Theodore.
“This is interesting,” she snaps, stepping farther in and grabbing my hand. She pulls me off the couch, dragging me into her bedroom. The door slams behind us, the noise ricocheting through the room as she stares at me with her hands on her hips. “Explain.”
“What?” I ask sheepishly, knowing exactly what she’s getting at but not wanting to admit to anything out loud.
“You and Theodore Thomas are getting very cosy out there. I thought we hated him?”
“No. You hate him, I never said that I did,” I tell her with a shrug, dropping down on the edge of her bed. I let myself fall back, my gaze landing on her ceiling. “And anyway, we weren’t cosy. The guys came over to watch a film, and he just happened to be here too.”
“Dude, he was playing with your hair. That’s the definition of cosy.” She lets out a sigh, coming to join me. Rolling over, she links her arm through mine, leaning in close. “He made you cry, Fallon. You never cry”
“I know,” I agree, giving her arm a squeeze. She’s not wrong, I’m not an overly emotional person. I learnt from a young age that tears get you nowhere.
So the fact that Theodore made me cry is a huge deal.
“I get why you’re mad at him, Betty, I am too.”
“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly, chewing the inside of my mouth. I tell her what he said Friday night and watch in amusement as her mouth drops open, while her eyes almost bug out of their sockets. “I’m a lot confused.”
“Yeah, no fucking doubt.” She laughs, but it dies in her throat when she looks at me. Neither of us say anything more, we just lie beside each other. When Noah joins us a little while later, Betty fills him in the minute he lies on my other side.
I’ve no idea if the three guys are still here, but I don’t care. My friends offer me words of advice, though, neither of them are sure as to whether I’m supposed to tell Theodore yes or no.
That makes three of us, I guess.
“You know what you need to do?” Betty says, sitting up and rolling off the bed.
“What?” Noah and I ask at the same time, side-eyeing each other. Whenever Betty gets an idea into her head, it usually ends up with us drunk or high, or both, and doing things we’ll regret.
“I’m not going out,” I tell her, shaking my head. The last thing my already confused brain needs right now is to get even more muddled under the influence. “Anything but that.”
“No.” She laughs, pacing the room. “Theo keeps giving you rules, right?”
“Yeahh,” I answer slowly, my head tilting towards her.
“Wouldn’t it be super fun,” she starts, wriggling her eyebrows at me. “If you broke them all?”