Page 58 of Play By The Rules
The next hour is spent in silence, both of us watching the god-awful movie she chose. When the guy grovels, my eyes roll to the back of my head so hard that it fucking hurts. It’s laughable that women get off on this shit.
I tell her as much, but the only response I get is a harsh scowl before she focuses back on the movie. When it’s finished, she channel-surfs for a long while until grumbling when she realises nothing will get me to leave. She bites her bottom lip, sucking the plump skin into her mouth before finally speaking.
“No,” I tell her, keeping my eyes on the blank screen. Her hand reaches out, her fist hitting my arm. “That’s very rude, Casper.”
“You’re fucking rude. Now talk.”
“Fine.” I sigh dramatically before pulling my legs off the coffee table. Leaning forward, I rest my arms on my spread thighs and turn my head to face her. She looks uneasy as I watch her, her eyes lowering to avoid my gaze. “You offered me friendship.”
“I did, and you shit all over it.”
I laugh at her words, and the childish way she speaks them. If I wasn’t trying to work my way into her good graces, I’d be tempted to pull her over my knee and spank that arse of hers raw. “Well, I’m coming to you with a counteroffer.”
“What?” she asks warily, her eyes narrowing on my face.
“I don’t want to be your friend, Casper,” I tell her truthfully. Her lips turn down, her eyes falling to the sleeve of her jumper that she’s twisting in her hands. She looks so small, so lost as I speak. My mouth quirks up when she gapes at my new words. “I just want to be yours.”
“That’s hilarious,” I say dryly, standing from the couch and moving into the kitchen. I grab his empty beer bottle as I pass, tossing it in the bin. His eyes can be felt on me the entire way, but I try to ignore the way they’re burning holes into my back.
I’m not sure what cruel fucking prank he’s playing, but I am so not here for it. I grab myself a glass of wine, hopping onto the kitchen counter to sip it.
He stays on the sofa, watching me. It’s unnerving because the serious expression on his face has me questioning if this isn’t a joke.
And that’s not something I’m willing to consider.
He has to be joking.
“You can leave now, Teddy,” I tell him, wincing at the slip of his nickname. I’ve avoided calling him that and only thought of him as Theodore for the last few weeks.
When he’s Theodore, he’s at a distance.
A safe distance.
Teddy is someone else entirely.
He moves to join me in the kitchen, stalking towards where I sit. His hands crowd either side of my legs and he leans in. This position isn’t a new one for us, but the intensity in his green eyes as he stares down at me is.
He steps closer, dropping his forehead to mine. The beer on his breath fills the space between us, and I press my hands against his chest, pushing him away. He grabs them, holding my palms against the hard muscle hiding under his shirt.
“Think about it, Casper,” he tells me, his mouth moving over mine. He doesn’t kiss me, just rests his lips on mine for a moment. “I’ll be waiting.”
Letting go, he steps back, walking towards my door without a care in the world.
“You’ll be waiting a long fucking time, then,” I call out to him, ignoring the way butterflies come to life in my stomach.
My heart races as he winks at me before muttering, “I’ll wait forever, baby.”
The door closes softly behind him, leaving me alone. I go about my night-time routine in a haze of confusion. The words he says are all I’ve ever wanted to hear from him, but why now?
What’s different?
Only weeks ago, he wanted nothing to do with me; or at least that’s what I assumed.
Was I wrong?
When I crawl into bed, my eyes drift to the window, watching the trees sway in the wind. Rain drips down the glass, disappearing. My head is a mess, my brain unable to switch off.