Page 53 of Play By The Rules
“Hey,” she mumbles awkwardly, shuffling her feet on the ground like she’s kicking invisible rocks. She must notice the anger in my face and mistake it for her being here as she quickly rushes out. “I’ll find Gage tomorrow, no worries.”
“You’re here now so you might as well come in,” I tell her, pushing the door open and stepping aside so she can enter my dorm. When she does, her eyes move over the place, taking everything in. There’s not too much difference from her own, just the colour scheme and a few personal touches left by my mother when she helped me move in back in first-year.
The moment she spots Gage asleep on the couch, she spins on her heel, walking back towards the door.
“I’ll come back.” I grab her hand and pull her to my bedroom. Shoving the door open, I push her onto the bed, watching as her eyes widen when she realises where we are. She moves to stand, but I glower at her before she sits back down with a huff.
“What’s going on? I’m guessing you’re not here for a booty call, even with the late hour. Unless you are and then I’d be happy to oblige.”
She scowls at me, her nose wrinkling in the most adorable way.
Wait, scratch that.
Not going there.
“One of my parents’ friends is coming for a visit at the academy tomorrow,” she starts, and I already know exactly where this is going.
“What, what do you mean no?” she blurts, her brow furrowing. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say. I was going to ask if you had any information on him since I’m expected to go to dinner with him tomorrow night. His name is Gregory, and that’s all I know of him outside of a five-minute conversation at the fundraising gala.”
“Okay. My answer is no,” I tell her, moving from my chair and stalking towards her. When she sees my intentions, she shuffles up the bed trying to avoid me.
As if I’d ever let that happen.
Her back hits my headrest as I crawl onto the bed towards her.
“No, I don’t have any information for you, and no you aren’t going to dinner with him.”
“I don’t think that’s your place to decide.” Her throat bobs as she swallows nervously when I reach her. Grabbing one of her legs, I pull her down until she’s flat on her back underneath me.
“Probably not. But I’m making it my place.”
“You don’t get to do that,” she argues, her breath hitching when my hand slides under her jumper and traces the soft skin of her waist. Her eyes flutter closed, drooping with lust. “You didn’t want to be my friend; you don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do.”
“Is it really friendship you want from me, Casper?”
I don’t wait for her to answer before I place open-mouthed kisses along her neck, suckling at her pulse point. The marks I left behind from that night in her bedroom have long since disappeared, so maybe it’s time to add new ones.
“Yes,” she hisses, halfway through a scold and moan. I chuckle on her skin, tracing my tongue over the new mark I’ve just given her.
“Hmm, interesting,” I murmur, my fingers moving towards her waistband. “So, if I slipped my hand into your underwear right now, I wouldn’t find you soaking, just for me?”
She shakes her head, her body trembling as I go to make good on the threat. Before I get the chance though, Gage’s voice calls out from the living room.
That fucker has a death wish, I swear.
“Saved by the bell, I guess.” I move off her, eyeing my handiwork on her neck as she rushes for the door. Gage comes in, his eyes moving between us both before he barks out a laugh.
I don’t bother elaborating since I don’t have a clue what I’d tell him anyway. I’m supposed to be staying away from her. I told her I didn’t want her friendship and that’s the truth, friendship is the last thing I would ever want from Fallon.
But I shouldn’t tell her that.
Though staying away is becoming more and more impossible.
When I get into bed in the early hours of the morning, buzzed from the alcohol and weed Gage and I went through, I pull my phone out. Whether it’s because I’m fucked, or because I can’t get her off my mind, I don’t know.
I’m rethinking my tactics with her.