Page 41 of Play By The Rules
There are so many reasons I should stay away from her, keep my distance, but the more she’s around, the harder it becomes. I’m fighting a losing battle with her.
One we’re both going to lose if I’m not careful.
“I’ll say exactly what I said to her yesterday in my office,” he tells me, dropping down beside me. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but there’s no denying that there’s something there. There always has been. Even when you were kids. You couldn’t stay away from each other. Like two magnets drawn together. I won’t lie and say I particularly like the thought of her getting into a relationship with anyone, but I always thought it would be you.”
Me too.
For so long I believed she was the endgame. The final piece of my shitty little puzzle. But the world has other plans in store for the both of us.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Ben, but that isn’t going to be happening.”
“Whatever you say kid.” He starts towards the door, a small smile on his face. Before he leaves, he turns, his face a sudden blank mask, but the harsh set of his eyes while he watches me and his clenched jaw tell me everything. He’s pissed. “Though, the next time you tie her up without her consent, they’ll never find your body. Got it?”
I finally make my way to the dining hall when classes wrap up for the morning. After spending a couple of hours locked away in the gym, I’m feeling somewhat sociable enough to deal with people.
Grabbing a couple slices of pizza, I find Gage and Kyle in the same seats we’ve commandeered for the last three years, right in the centre of the room. Anna sits by Kyle, talking animatedly with flapping hands even though both guys ignore her.
You would think she’d have gotten the hint by now that if I’m not letting her hop on my dick, there’s no reason for my friends to keep her around.
They always hated her anyway, found her beyond annoying; while I agree, she sucks dick like a pro, so I could bypass it when I needed some relief.
At least before my dick broke and refused to get hard for anyone that isn’t Fallon Marsh.
“Fuck off, Anna,” I tell her when I take my seat, not bothering to look in her direction. Gage chuckles beside me, while Kyle only rolls his eyes. Though neither guy says anything when she scrapes her chair back and storms off to the table next to ours where her friends sit.
“Dammit, why didn’t we try that?” Gage snorts, leaning back in his chair. “She’s been chatting shit about you and Fallon for the last fifteen minutes. You’ve got a true stage-five clinger on your hands with that one, my friend.”
“Too true,” Kyle agrees, looking over at me. He shakes his head in amusement before going back to whatever it is he’s doing on his phone. “Bitch is deluded.”
Isn’t that the fucking truth. Most chicks would have long fucked off, especially after yesterday. Not Anna. She still clings on tight.
My eyes roam over the hall, searching for one person. When I spot the familiar blonde hair, I pause. Her hands are clenched together, resting on bouncing thighs. She looks uncomfortable, but I can’t figure out what it is that’s bothering her.
She’s sitting with Noah and Betty, though, they aren’t the issue. It’s only when my eyes move off her to where she’s staring that I see the object of her frustrations.
Adam towers over her, crowding the edge of their table. She presses her back into the chair, pulling away from him when his hand strokes up and down her bare arm.
There are 206 bones in the human body, and if Adam fucking Nielson doesn’t take his hand offmyCasper, I will find out just how easy to break every last one of them. I’m almost out of my chair and moving across the room when she slaps him away.
Good girl.
He leans in again, bending down so their faces are almost flush. Gage looks at me then, his brows raised and his lips in a straight line. “What are you going to do about him?”
That’s the million-dollar question.
I could beat him bloody right here in front of everyone. But that’s too fucking messy for a Tuesday afternoon. When Fallon flicks her gaze to me, as though she can feel me watching her, her eyes fill with something. From this distance, I’m unsure, but it looks like relief.
Even now, after all these years, she still sees me as some knight in shining armour; and for today, I’m only too happy to play that role. “Casper,” I shout over the chatter filling the room, not caring when hushed whispers fall over the dining hall and all eyes turn to me. “Get that pretty arse over here. Now, baby.”
Everysinglepersonstopsdead when Theodore shouts over the dining hall. Adam reels back as though he’s been slapped in the face when he recognises the voice. He’s been over here for ten minutes, all up in my business, about this second date.
I know I should have never agreed to it, but does that give him the right to step into my personal space and touch me when I haven’t asked him to?
Absolutely fucking not.
“You going over there?” he asks me, his eyes narrowing. He looks angry at the thought of me going over to Theodore, but I don’t understand why.