Page 51 of Strong as a Horse
The entire place was completely furnished and beautifully decorated. They’d designed it with high ceilings and large windows so it was open and airy. Everything was a combination of light grays, blues, and whites, making it all seem so much brighter. The hardwood floors were shined to perfection, the only dark thing in the space.
Every bit of furniture was large, from giant bookshelves to fluffy couches. The open plan gave a view of the kitchen that was a sea of stainless steel. We could all make a feast in there together without getting in each others’ way.
A winding staircase led upstairs to a loft that was wrapped by a bannister. I was grateful he thought of the extra safety measures, knowing that we would eventually have curious toddlers walking around.
“It’s done?” I questioned as I gazed around. “I thought the inspectors had to come still?”
“They came earlier this week,” he grinned. “Everything is good to go. It’s ours.”
“Holy shit,” Riven breathed out. I wasn’t the only one taken by surprise with all the work Lance and his dad had put in here. They’d taken a house and made it a home, giving it touches that fit us perfectly. I could see raising a child here and we hadn’t even seen the full house yet.
“You know my dad and his connections,” Lance joked. “He called in some favors and got the inspectors out here. All of our names are on the mortgage so no one’s left out.” He pulled out a stack of papers and spread them across the table. “We just have to sign here and it’ll be done and my lawyer will file it. He’ll be here to pick it up in a few hours.”
It was strange to not have to worry about how we were going to make rent or kill ourselves working late nights every night so the bar was profitable enough. We’d truly get to enjoy our lives together and our child as they grew up.
He bounced on his feet as we all took turns adding our own signatures to the contracts. When the last signature was in place, he stacked it up and sat it aside.
“I have something else,” he admitted.
“You have our attention,” Zath drew out nervously. We were both the type to not know how to handle so much generosity. At least I had a past with Calvin and Lance to know how to take them.
“After everything, my parents were also ready to get out of Madison. And another property down the road was available, so my dad asked me if they could buy it,” he explained. My heart warmed at the idea.
“They asked permission?” El asked, clearly as confused as I was by that aspect.
“Well, they didn’t want to overstep. But there would be plenty of acres between us so we don’t lose our minds,” he said, glancing around at each of us to gauge our reaction.
“You said yes already, didn’t you?” Zath snorted. “You’re way too excited.”
“Kind of,” Lance admitted with a nervous laugh.
“Having backup with the baby and having family close? I don’t mind at all. Your parents are fantastic,” I reassured him. We’d truly have a solid family, and close by, what more could a mom ask for?
Riven nodded in agreement. “At this point, we all know that not many of us had the best parents growing up. They’re refreshing and it’ll be nice to have them here. I’ve always wanted a big family.”
“And since they already raised a kid, it’ll be smart to have someone nearby who knows what the fuck they’re doing because we sure as hell don’t,” El added in. I couldn’t argue that point. Even after reading all the baby books we could find, I felt unprepared.
Parenthood was one of those things you just got thrown into and did your best. With what seemed like an entire village on our side, I knew this baby was going to be loved, cared for, and protected.
That was what really mattered.
“Then I have one more thing to show you,” Lance said.
He turned and walked upstairs. The rest of us followed close behind. This was a part of the house he outright refused to show us the plans for. Having this project had truly brought him out of the pit that he was in after the abduction.
“So, I tried to keep in mind that we are all grown adults who need their own space. but we also need a shared one as well. The master bedroom is the biggest obviously, but it’s set up for our entire group. However, the closet space and bathroom are completely for Nyla.”
“Which means our closets are…” Zath dragged out as he looked at the doors in the hallway. He was likely worried about his extensive shiny collection and where he’d put it all. That and my mate took his appearance seriously.
“In your rooms,” Lance grinned. “One for each of us plus several more for our future kids.”
He pushed open the door and I froze. It was gorgeous. Everything was accented in silvers but the walls and bedding were a classy ivory. Then they had mixed in pops of vibrant colors which tied the room together. But the focal point was the bed. It had to be two king beds pushed together, the thing was so massive. Throw pillows were artfully arranged in a rainbow of colors.
Off to the side was a crib and bassinet, on the other were two doors. Riven pushed in one to reveal a huge bathroom with an oversized walk-in shower. It looked like it was meant for a locker room but, of course, was way too fancy for that. The floor was lined in smooth stone and it had several big shower heads. The glass walls and floor-length mirror on the room were polished to perfection. Honestly, it was the bathroom of my dreams.
Lance pushed the second door open to reveal a large walk-in closet big enough for all of us if we wanted. But, apparently, it was all mine. I’d have to do weeks of shopping to fill this space.
El was already heading for the hallway again, so we followed him out as he pushed open the other four doors on this wall to reveal standard bedrooms. Unlike the rest they were bare.