Page 49 of Strong as a Horse
Riven, El, and security burst into the room. The moment he saw the gun pointed at us, Riven reacted. The mountain of a man lunged for the snake, slamming her to the floor. It might have been satisfying if I wasn’t focused on Lacey who was starting to wake up. El reached her next, forcing her on her stomach with her hands pinned behind her back.
The sight of them both held in place was the only reason I was able to breathe. Riven struggled with the snake yet no one was stepping in to help.
I was terrified of hurting the baby by intervening, but also afraid they’d get hurt, too. Losing any of my mates would be equally as painful.
El quickly had Lacey up and pinned to a wall while Riven had her mate’s face pushed into the carpet, arms pinned in his large hand.
I still didn’t even know her name, and here she was trying to take everything from me, including an unborn baby. These women were psychos.
It was only seconds before a swarm of officers were running into the room. They moved right for the two women as Calvin barked out orders to the same officers who only days before had tried to get a confession out of me.
Part of me was surprised they didn’t take us in, too, but, apparently, security had been outside of the room listening in with Lance’s dad. With his word, they managed to not fuck up this situation.
“Search their room as well, I bet you find more than enough evidence to put their asses in jail for just as long as their shitty father,” Lance bit out. His voice had the vice around my chest loosening. He was alright.
I couldn’t even make out what the two women were saying in response to his words. Their screams were so high-pitched that I was pressing my hands to my ears to block it out.
Zathrian shifted then, confirming he hadn’t been hit by the stray bullet, either. Somehow, we’d all managed to make it out of this awful encounter alive.
We were forced to endure over an hour giving our statements before the guys were finally able to drag me away and get me to the hospital. I was still reeling from the entire ordeal and fighting back my own emotions that they were safe, that Lance and Zath were alive. That bullet could have taken one or both of my mates, breaking me forever.
“I’m fine,” I insisted for the seventeenth time but they weren’t listening. She never even got to the point of hurting me thanks to Lance, but the stress was what they were focused on now. El had looked up some facts about pregnancy and was convinced the traumatic ordeal could hurt the baby.
It had me needing the same reassurance.
I was just glad we were able to escape the hotel while the officers handled the rest of the situation. By the time we got back I wanted nothing more than to pack up our stuff and get the fuck out of Madison. It already held so many bad memories and there were plenty more piling on the list.
Awful situations aside, I would always be glad that I came back. If I had stayed home, who knows if Lance would have ever made his way back to me. Hell, these women might have found him again.
Right now, though, I wanted nothing more than for this competition to burn to the ground and from the expletives that Lance’s dad was barking into a phone, I had a feeling he was going to make that wish happen. Once I gave him the details, he was all lion, ready to tear them down to protect us. That included anyone involved with the women that caused all this pain and trauma.
It took another hour of waiting before I was seen by a doctor. He tried to insist that the guys wait behind, saying only the baby’s father could join, but I spoke up before the guys could panic.
Once I explained we were a bonded group and they were all the baby’s potential father, he let them slide. It was either that or the fact I was about to hyperventilate in the panic of being separated from them.
After our night, I needed them all by my side. It was the only thing that could convince me that no one was hurt.
I expected the doctor to disappear for hours at a time but instead, he stood there as the ultrasound tech lifted my shirt and smeared gel over my belly. It was silent as he used the transducer to scan me. My eyes stayed glued to the screen until he found the baby. I was shocked to see the smallest of babies moving around already.
“You thought you were only four weeks?” the doctor questioned. Now that I was looking at the baby on the screen I was second-guessing myself as well. It wasn’t exactly a tiny little bean like I’d expected.
“It’s been a really long year. I thought it was only a month but it could have very well been two or three,” I admitted.
He nodded. “It must have been, this baby is measuring twelve weeks,” he informed me. “And since I’m assuming this is the first time you’re finding out about the baby, I’m going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and get you information. While I do that, why don’t you sit tight while he shows you the heartbeat.”
Zathrian gripped my fingers in his until the whooshing of a heartbeat filled the air. It was quick, but honestly, the best sound I’ve ever heard.
“That’s a strong heartbeat,” the ultrasound tech reassured me. He kicked up the volume so it was easier to hear and when I looked around my guys were all staring at the screen in wonder.
“Are they both okay? No complications?” Lance asked. He was desperate to hear it from the tech, for him to say the words out loud.
The tech smiled indulgently at him. “Both mom and baby look healthy to me,” he confirmed. “But, of course, the doctor will give you more information after I send him the rest of these images.”
“Thank you,” I told him.