Page 27 of Strong as a Horse
“Go for it,” I told him. “They already know my dirty laundry. Share what you want or just explain.” My voice was low enough that only he could hear me. He took a deep, fortifying breath before answering.
“Let’s just say that when we met, we were both not just a little broken, butreallyfucking broken. She was left at the altar. My chosen mate–who I spent several years with, and who promised even if we found fated mates we wouldn’t leave each other–found some fated mates. He gave me no notice, just decided that I no longer mattered when he found a pack. Nyla and I decided to move on and try to pick up the pieces when we found each other. We couldn’t deny that we were mates, and needed that connection. But we also didn’t want strings. It was a failsafe to protect ourselves. But obviously bonds aren’t that easy and we’re more than friends but never actually moved into a full mate relationship.”
“Mates with benefits?” El mused. “I get it. Is that still where you stand?”
Riven pinched the bridge of his nose like he couldn’t take his partner’s bluntness.
“El, you can’t just ask shit like that,” he said pointedly. El barely even gave him a second glance. Clearly, this was an ongoing battle between them.
I fully expected to get the usual commentary from them, about how we were throwing away the bond and not giving it the respect it deserved. I’d heard it so many times that I wondered if I missed the class in school where they taught you to put bonds above yourself. It was ridiculous, honestly.
“Sorry,” El finally said. “I didn’t want to walk up and be like, ‘hey are you fucking,?’ ya know?”
“We are, in fact,” Zath said. “Is that going to be a problem?” It wasn’t a challenge but I could tell the answer mattered.
El looked confused at the question. “You don’t need my permission to fuck your mate, man.” I choked on my water enough that he had to reach over and pat my back.
“The real question is, are we going to be a problem for you?” Riven’s question quieted us all down. I reached under the table and squeezed Zath’s thigh. He knew my feelings on it and I hoped he knew I’d never just walk away from him. He was just as much my mate as they were.
“No. I want Nyla to be happy and if she chooses you, then that’s how our lives are turning,” Zath finally answered.
“And I’m not the dick that he was with. I’m not going anywhere, we’re a package deal,” I added on.
Riven nodded sagely. “I never thought otherwise. You may not be my mate, but you are part of this group and we respect that.”
We all stopped talking as the waiter finally came up to us. Thanks to the competition, the place was busy enough that we hadn’t even ordered drinks yet.
Before I could open my mouth, El pulled open the wine list. “Are you guys white wine, red wine, or champagne people?”
“Champagne,” I said without skipping a beat. Call it a test, but I wanted to see how they’d react to us ordering our usual favorites. I didn’t doubt they’d uphold their intention to pay but I also had been on enough dates to have guys comment on what I ate or drank and I was curious if they would. I didn’t think so, but you never really knew a person until you spent time with them.
Having someone like Riven in our group could be a nice change of pace. The no-nonsense plan maker, someone to be in charge in situations that warranted it. It got exhausting always trying to be fiercely independent. There was that part of me that wanted to be taken care of sometimes. Sure, Zath and I took care of each other, but we also didn’t rock the boat of our current dynamic. It was a full-time balancing act I was ready to stop.
When the waiter came and filled our champagne glasses, we gave him our pasta order before he was off again.
I took a sip of the cold champagne, the bubbles and tartness of the drink refreshing. Everything about the quaint, little restaurant was a nice change of pace from the hotel. We’d only been there a few days and I was already getting tired of it. Or maybe it was the pressure of the competition that was getting to me.
Zath gripped my leg and I set my drink down to see what was going on, my words never forming at the sight of his pale face and wide eyes. I followed his gaze to see my ex walking in the door with his father and a few other men.
“Are they stalking us?” El ground out. He started to stand, but Riven put his hand on his mate’s shoulder, stopping him. Apparently, keeping El from kicking people’s asses would also be a full-time job.
“You’re not going over there,” he warned El before turning to me. His eyes were just as fierce as he studied me, the same protectiveness he had for his mate there, though a bit more subdued. “Do you want me to order this to go and have you guys meet us back at the hotel?”
Every part of me wanted to say yes, to run and hide like I had been but my horse stamped her feet angrily, refusing to let me choose that option. She was stubborn and strong, and hiding was not in her nature. Having her mates around her had her even more bold. And she was right. I wasn’t the weak one here and he didn’t get to push me from public spaces.
“No. We’re staying,” I said firmly. A small grin ghosted across Riven’s lips and he nodded once.
“Good choice,” he praised. There was respect there, and I couldn’t help the pride that warmed in my chest at his words. There was so much more to these two men than I expected.
“Oh, good… this is the night that keeps giving,” El groaned. “That bitch from the hallway is here, too.” Riven cursed under his breath and both Zath and I glanced around the room, trying to figure out who they were referring to.
“What happened? Who?” Zathrian hissed. He wasn’t one to shy away from gossip and it seemed there was a story attached to this. Both Riven and El were shrinking down in their seats like they were hiding from something. It was almost comical to see the big, burly bear hiding.
“She’s on team one. She was right outside our door earlier. It almost felt like she was listening in or something sketchy,” El admitted, pointing as subtly as possible. I recognized her immediately from the copious amounts of cleavage and tight-fitting clothes and makeup.
I’d wondered how she was making drinks in heels and was slightly impressed by it. Now I wanted to knock her out for crossing my mates.
Damn. Where did that feeling come from?