Page 19 of Strong as a Horse
After yesterday’s scare, I expected him to be closed off. Honestly, he seemed to be taking it a whole lot better than I was at the moment. Then again, my tactic of ‘pretend it’s not a thing until it smacks me in the face’ was both of our ‘tried and true’ method to handle shit we weren't happy about.
Zath had been slow to warm up since I met him. After his ex put him through hell, he didn't live life the same way. We were a different case since mates were involved, but that almost made it harder. If not for us both taking a chance we’d have missed out on an amazing friendship. He was my best friend now and I couldn't imagine him not in my life.
Right now, it was like watching a different person. His happiness reflected in his expression and even though his hair was tousled with nerves, he was eager to get started. Neither of us had been the type to do things for ourselves and we’d vowed that we’d change. It seemed like I had some catching up to do. I wondered if my reassurances yesterday that he was my mate first helped ease a part of him he’d been holding back.
I forced myself to look away from my adorable mate as we settled behind our station. No matter how many people filed in, I couldn't make myself look out at the crowd. I needed to pretend like they weren't there for my own sanity. Even my horse was nervous but she was also prancing around, reminding me that it was time to be strong and proud. We could feel whatever we wanted on the inside, but showing it to the world was not something she’d let me do.
“We’re going to kick ass,” I told her in my mind. Just saying it had my chest loosening enough I could take in a normal breath again. I held onto the confidence she was building as I watched Stanley come in. He stood strong and smiling, waving out at the crowd like a celebrity. He reminded me of a horse in the way he showboated around, but I knew he wasn’t by the way he walked and talked. He was a cat through and through.
Stanley led in the group of judges behind him. Two men and two women, all of whom seemed happier to just sit down and not cause a scene. I guess there was a reason Stanley was in charge of the competition.
I didn’t recognize a single one of the judges, but then again, I wasn’t exactly big in the competitive-bartending world. My usual style was to keep my head down, treat my suppliers like friends, and do my job.
Despite how much work we put into the bar, Zath and I were truly living our best lives, even if his raven got distracted often by shiny objects. I swear our joint apartment was half silver and gold.
The only thing we had to deal with was our ridiculous rivals from Bandit’s Taphouse.
My mates.
I really didn’t know what the hell I was going to do about that.
The crowd went quiet as Stanley Evers walked between us and the crowd, microphone in hand, and a gameshow-host smile on his face. The mic gave out a sharp squeal before evening out and he finally started the event.
“Welcome to the Fifth Annual National Bar and Brewers Board Competition. Quite the mouthful, that one,” he chuckled and the crowd joined in. “But we've got some amazing bartenders here to compete this year. Team one from Lola's Bar and Grill, in Gallaway. They’ve been in business for over twenty years and counting. Team two is from Bandit’s Taphouse, a fairly new bar in Willow Grove that has garnered a lot of attention!” I glared over at them as they were introduced. Riven had on his best customer-service smile, waving out at the crowd as they clapped.
“Kiss ass,” Zath muttered under his breath and I had to bite back a laugh. I’d never been more grateful for his snarky disposition, and I knew I never would have gotten through this insanity without him.
Then Stanley’s attention was on us. “Team three is also from Willow Grove, Soulful Brews. Another up and coming bar!”
After we were announced, I tuned out the other introductions. Between the attention on me and the glaring heat of the spotlights over our heads, it was all a bit overwhelming.
My horse neighed indignantly at my inner meltdown until I calmed my ass back down. I swear having a soul-bonded with this much sass was like having a snarky life coach watching your every move and reminding you to keep on track.
“Now, usually we like to kick off the competition with a classic, giving everyone a chance to make a timeless drink. However, we thought maybe one of our favorite rounds would be a much better way to start this year’s festivities off with a bang!”
As if on cue, workers started pushing covered carts toward each table. A black cloth was draped over each one so it was impossible to see what was underneath. Stanley waited until they were all in place before he turned back to us contestants to explain.
“Each group will be given four ingredients. Whatever you're given is what youmustuse for this round. No exceptions or you’ll be automatically disqualified from this round. You can make a cocktail, shot, or however you want to go, as long as it is done in the ten-minute time frame. When you finish, give your tray to your support staff and they will carry them to the judges.”
That had both Zath and I letting out a relieved breath. If it was up to me to carry them, I’d fall flat on my face and embarrass myself out of the industry. With it being televised I would definitely turn into the next viral sensation.
“We prepared for this,” Zath said, poking me in the side. He was practically bouncing on his feet as he waited for the competition to fully start. Stanley ran through more rules, mostly a huge reiteration of the ones they gave us in our information packets. My attention span right now was too short to listen to it all over again.
“Alright, teams! Are you ready?” He gave us all a moment but he didn't really wait long enough for anyone to protest. “Three. Two. One!”
The black drapes were pulled off of our carts and I stared down at the strange combination. White rum, lime, passion fruit, and seltzer.
It could be worse…right?
“Okay, what the fuck?” Zath breathed out as he looked them over. For the first time since we walked into this room his composure slipped and panic took its place. Apparently, we were switching roles. “I sure as fuck hope you have an idea.”
My mind was already whirring at the possibilities. Then clarity hit me and the chaos of the room faded away. Once my mind was set on something the rest was easier to ignore.
“You know what, I think I've got this. Help me find mint, raw sugar, and mojito glasses,” I said as I started moving everything to the table.
“With passion fruit?” he questioned like I was crazy, but he was already moving to gather everything I asked for.
Zath turned out to be the best sidekick in the world. I barely had to utter something I needed before he was pressing it into my hands.