Page 26 of Blackmailed By the Grump
“You back the fuck away from my girl, or I’ll kill you with my bare hands,” I say through clenched teeth, and I toss Ray back a few steps. He sputters and coughs as he glares at me, but all I can think about is pulling his arms clean off his body.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Jack places a hand on my shoulder, and I feel him give it a little squeeze. “Let’s not threaten to kill the Westchester cop in a room full of people.” His voice lowers, and he leans in closer to me. “We can do that out back away from all these eyes.”
I decide he’s probably right because my actions have just caught the attention of almost everyone nearby.
“You watch your back or—”
“Fresh hot apple cider coming up!” Tinsel announces as she steps between Ray and me and passes the drink to him.
What the fuck is she doing? She’s supposed to be on Frostie’s side, and that pencil dick just put his hands on her.
“At least somebody around here knows how to be polite,” Ray says as he takes the cup and chugs half of it. He clears his throat that’s already starting to bruise from where I grabbed him. “Get your boy out of my town before he does something he regrets,” Ray says before glancing back at Frostie. “See ya around.” I take a step toward him, but Tinsel blocks me as he drinks the rest of his cider and tosses the empty cup at my feet.
“Let him go,” Tinsel whispers. “I made sure karma has a direct route to his butthole.” She shrugs as Jack moves beside her. “Plus I’d rather call his chief and file an official report. I heard he’s already got two strikes against him, and I’d love to be the one that gets his badge taken away.”
Before I can process what Tinsel is saying, I turn around and see Frostie behind me with wide eyes. She looks terrified and like she might cry, but I’m still so fucking pissed. I want to beat Ray until my fists are bloody, but apparently I can’t do that.
“I’m sorry,” Frostie says softly.
I’m so fucking mad that someone put their hands on what’s mine. Maybe it’s because I’ve never truly had someone that meant something to me until her. In my mind, I’ve always thought of her as something that I was supposed to protect and take care of, and now I’ve failed. I’m mad at myself and not her, but I know if I start speaking, I won’t be able to say that the right way.
“I’ve gotta go,” I mumble, and I don’t miss the look of sadness that crosses her eyes before I walk into the crowd of people around us and disappear.
What the fuck am I doing? I should go back and pull her into my arms, but I’m shaking with rage. I’ve never been good with emotions, and all of a sudden, they are hitting me at once. My heart feels like it’s ripping in two because the woman I love is upset.
The woman I love.
Holy shit, I love Frostie. I mean, I knew this feeling was bigger than big, but I’ve never admitted it even to myself. Of course I love her because I’ve never felt anything close to this, and when I’m with her, all it does is grow and make me want it even more. It’s like I can’t ever get enough, and my cravings only get worse when she’s not by my side.
I’m not sure how far I’ve walked or what’s happened, but when I finally realize what’s around me, I see I must have walked around the entire building, and now I’m in the parking lot at the front entrance. Deciding that I should do this the right way, I swallow hard and take a deep breath. I want to get all my words in order before I go back in there and apologize and then tell Frostie how I feel.
I’m such a fucking idiot for walking out of there, but I know I can make it up to her. I just need to explain and—
Right then, the front doors come crashing open, and I see Tinsel and Jack holding on to a furious Frostie. When she looks up and sees me, her anger hardens.
There’s a crowd of people behind her, and some are whispering to each other, but I can’t make out what anyone is saying.
“So you went and told them. That’s how you decided to get back at me?” It’s then I notice she’s holding the cake she entered into the contest.
“Frostie?” is all I manage to say before she stomps over to me and throws the cake in my face. The crowd of people start to laugh, and I hear footsteps walking away from me. I’ve got icing in my eyes so I can’t see where Frostie went, but I call out to her.
“You’re an asshole,” Tinsel hisses as I’m finally able to open my eyes. “And you made her waste cake, which is just as bad.”
In the distance, I see Frostie getting into Tinsel’s cruiser, but when I go to run after her, a hand on my chest stops me.
“Just give her a second,” Jack says, and I pause.
The times that I’ve talked with Jack, he’s always been level-headed and laid-back. He seems like a good guy who is completely in love with Tinsel and therefore cares for Frostie like she’s family. I know that he wouldn’t step in if he didn’t think it was a good idea, just like when he told me not to kill Ray.
“They told her she was disqualified because she used a store-bought cake mix,” Jack says, and I shake my head.
“I didn't tell anyone.”
“They knew somehow.” He glances out to the parking lot to where Tinsel is getting in the cruiser with Frostie.
“I fucked up,” I say and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.
“Yeah, but it’s okay,” Jack says and pats my arm one more time before he starts to walk away. “Sometimes making up is the best part.”