Page 24 of Blackmailed By the Grump
“Babe, it’s going to be okay.” Clause kisses the tip of my nose, making me smile. He’s so sure I’ve got this in the bag, and his confidence in me makes it kind of a win already.
I don’t know why I’m so worked up about this. It’s just a bake-off so it’s no big deal if I win or lose. It should all be in good fun, but I’ve never been asked to prove myself when it comes to baking. My bakery is bursting at the seams, which should speak for itself.
There’s always a small sore spot when I get asked about where I went to culinary school…because I didn’t. My grams taught me everything I know. I always get a perplexed response when I admit to not having what others might consider professional training, but I think I got the best training in the world.
“What’s cookin', good lookin’?” Tinsel pops up out of nowhere. She’s dressed in all black with a baseball cap on, but she stands out like a sore thumb in a sea of people with festive sweaters and knitted hats.
“What are you wearing?”
“I’m undercover,” she whispers loudly.
“Yeah, undercover.” She cocks her head toward Clause. “You staying in line?”
“I don’t talk to the police,” Clause mutters back to her.
“Good answer. I approve.” I snort a laugh at Tinsel’s response. “I need a moment alone with my best friend.” She makes a shooing motion at Clause with her hand, but he doesn’t budge.
“Come on, big guy. Let's get the ladies some hot cider.” Jack nudges Clause to come with him.
Jack and Tinsel came over for dinner two nights ago, and Clause actually seemed to have a good time. Jack was able to pull some conversation out of him, and Clause started to relax, which warmed me. I know his family history isn’t good, and I’m sure he has all kinds of issues of not understanding unconditional love, but if he lets the people of Troping in, I think he might get a piece of something he doesn’t know he’s missing.
“You’re in love.” Tinsel beams at me. A month ago, she would have gagged after saying those words. Now there are hearts dancing over her head. It’s crazy how love can change someone.
“Maybe,” I say and pretend not to feel instantly shy and goofy.
“Don’t lie to me. You’ve been staying at his place every night.” She snags a cookie off the table of my little booth. I have a bunch of small treats out for people to take. I’m glad I made so many because everyone is gobbling them up. It might be a good sign. If they love my cookies, they might love my cake too. It’s all in the frosting.
The contest is set up inside of Westchester’s town hall. They have a giant banquet area since their town is bigger than ours and they’re closer to the city. You cross through Westchester to make your way down to Troping, which can be a sore spot to Westchester. They want some of the tourists, but our little town has made a name for itself.
“Will you not eat all those?” I grab her hand when she goes for another, and her mouth falls open.
“Again with the not letting me steal food.”
I roll my eyes at her. “Okay fine, yes, I’m in love with him, but I can’t tell you that. I haven’t told him that.”
“Right, yeah. This is you not telling me. Got it.” She tries to wink at me but ends up closing both her eyes. “Anyway, why am I here?”
“The contest.”
She snaps her fingers. “Right.” She drops her voice. “The contest.” Tins opens her black coat, and inside I see a stack of cash and some syringe-looking thing.
“You’re not bribing or messing with anyone else’s food.”
“What?!” Her shoulders drop. “Then why am I here?”
“To steal my cookies and watch the competition.” All of the cakes are displayed at the back of the room.
“Fine, I mean, I know you’re going to win anyway. I thought it would be fun to bribe someone.”
“Or ruin someone's cake. That’s not cool.”
“I would never!” She pretends to be appalled. “This is liquid Colace.”