Page 19 of Blackmailed By the Grump
“My pretty girl, cum for me. Get my fingers messy and let me lick it off.”
She cries out in the cab of the truck, and I growl as my cock throbs under her ass. Her pussy grips my fingers, and then I feel a warm rush coat them as her body climaxes. I rub the heel of my hand on her clit slowly to drag it out, and when she begins to shake and push my hand away, I know she’s had all she can take.
“Mmmm,” I moan as I slip those wet fingers past my lips, and I close my eyes, savoring it. “Now that’s a dessert.”
Even in the dark light of the cab I know she’s blushing, and I bend down to kiss her.
Just then a horn honks behind us, and I see there’s a line of people waiting to get their own hot cocoa.
“We should get going,” Frostie says, but I grip her hips tighter.
“They can wait,” I say and kiss her once more, just because I can.
After we pull apart, I set her back in her seat and buckle her up before pulling out and steering toward my house. She’s staying with me tonight whether she likes it or not. Great. I’ve gone from blackmail to kidnapping.
“Thanks for tonight,” she says and leans over to kiss me on my cheek. “Even if it ends now, it was perfect.”
“Oh, it’s far from over,” I tease. “But I’ve got one question.”
“Okay?” She sounds hesitant as she waits.
“So what was with that one house with the lamp?”
“The lamp? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, but it was around halfway through the drive. I can’t believe you didn’t notice it. They were probably the only house with almost no lights on.” I shrug because it looked like it stood out to me. “They only had that one lamp in the front living room, and it was shaped weird. It was like a leg or something.”
“The leg lamp!” Frostie shouts and then proceeds to fall into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah, that’s weird, right?”
“Oh Clause, I have got so much more to teach you.”
“You promise?” I say, picking up her hand and kissing the back of it.
“I do,” she says, and the two words hang in the air between us all the way back to my place.