Page 55 of Savage Vow
“You would know all about pathetic. Maybe if you had your life even slightly under control, you wouldn’t have been in a shitty situation in the first place. Ever think about that?”
“No, you’re right. I should have been born into a mafia family, so I could grow up thinking the whole fucking world revolves around me while never having to work an actual day in my life. Yeah, you definitely made the smarter decision.”
Even now, in the position she’s in, she tosses her head. “What, am I supposed to apologize for how I was born?”
“No, clueless. But you could try realizing you didn’t earn a single thing you have. At least I could say I took care of myself and did the best I could. Nobody gave me anything I had. And, of course, somebody like you would look down on that.”
“You’re such a crybaby. You always were. Oh, poor me, poor Alicia, what am I going to do?”
It’s like I’ve never known the real Elena before now. I may as well be sitting here next to a stranger. And all it does is rid me of any lingering sense of guilt I might have carried around.
“Crybaby? Do you want to hear about some of the things I’ve been through since that night? I’ve been beaten. Knocked out and thrown into a trunk. Tied up. Humiliated. Locked in a room for days at a time. I also had to save somebody after they were shot. And yeah, I had to marry a man I barely knew. But sure, I’m a crybaby. You couldn’t last through an hour of what I went through because you’ve never really had to face a challenge in your entire life. Congratulations, you’re facing one now. How’s it feel?”
“Fuck off.”
“After you,” I mutter back, turning my face away from hers and staring out the window, ready to boil over with rage. Pathetic. She thinks I’m pathetic. I’d love to knock a couple of teeth out of her mouth. She wouldn’t look so pretty then, would she? Maybe she would think twice about trying to steal somebody’s husband.
“Are you girls finished?” Enzo turns his head slightly to look into the back seat.
“What about it?” I snap. Prince snorts but says nothing, while Enzo turns back around without a word. I have no doubt he’ll want to talk about that later, but I’m too damn angry right now. Because this is just as much his fault as it is hers. They’re both to blame. Now is not the time for him to throw his attitude my way.
Pathetic. I’m pathetic? All I ever did was try to make the best of what life handed me. And I’m pathetic. Some spoiled, pampered little princess thinks she can judge my life? Never had to work a single day, had all her decisions made for her, and then she acts like a backstabbing little slut—and I’m pathetic? I could tear every strand of hair out of her scalp right now, the snide bitch.
But I’ve already given the men enough entertainment. And I’m not going to stoop to that level, either. I have to try to show a little dignity. I almost want to laugh at myself. Dignity? Now? That’s sort of like closing the barn doors after the horses have run out. These two have seen me at my most undignified. That doesn’t mean I have to make a fool out of myself for their amusement.
It’s better for me to ignore the things Elena is muttering to herself as we ride through the darkness. I know better than to ask where we’re going, and I just hope we get there soon. I need to get this over with.
We arrive first, pulling into an empty parking lot that doesn’t look like it’s been used in years. Tons of weeds are coming up through the cracks in the pavement, and colorful graffiti decorates the walls of a building with boarded-up windows. How do these people know about places like this? Is there a list somewhere? I can see no other cars anywhere in the vicinity, though it’s pretty dark. When our headlights wash over the area, there’s nothing but thick, dense wooded area behind the building. In other words, Elena has nowhere to run if she gets the idea in her head. I wouldn’t step foot in there in the daylight, much less on a moonless night like this.
Now she’s quiet. Afraid. I want more than anything to taunt her, to ask how it feels and remind her I’ve been through this, thanks to her. I know what it means to arrive somewhere and have no idea if I’m going to make it out alive.
“Come on.” Prince yanks the back door open and is rougher with her then he ever was with me. Enzo, meanwhile, helps me out from the back seat even though I don’t need the help. If it makes him feel better to hover over me a little, I’m not going to argue. Especially not when it feels sort of nice.
“You up to this?” he asks.
“Does it matter if I am or not? Alvarez was never going to show up without you agreeing to bring me along.”
“Just a little longer. We’ll get this wrapped up.”
I try to offer a brave smile, but it isn’t easy, especially when Elena won’t shut up with her complaints.
“I hope you know my father will kill you for this,” she mutters as Prince holds her in place beside the car. I see what he’s doing: if somebody happens to be watching from the darkness, he’s got her with him. In other words, they need to be careful if they decide to open fire.
“Your father won’t kill anyone,” Enzo retorts. “And if he wants you back alive, he knows that. He might not be the head of the family, but he knows how this works. And your uncle? If he even gives a shit, he’ll still know better.”
There’s a sound somewhere in the darkness, beyond where I can see. The hair on the back of my neck stands up.
We’re not alone here. I feel it. I sense it. Just because I didn’t see any cars doesn’t mean we’re the first to arrive. Enzo wouldn’t take a risk like that, I realize. He would also never tell me the specifics—he’d either decide I don’t need to know, or he would rather keep it quiet, so there’s no chance of me giving anything away. Regardless of the reason, I’m sure he wouldn’t risk my life or the baby’s showing up here without somebody to watch our backs.
“At least I know the answer to one question,” Elena mutters with a laugh. She cranes her neck to look over her shoulder at me. “I couldn’t figure out how you landed somebody like him.”
Enzo is either too surprised that she would say that, or he doesn’t figure I’ll do anything about it. Either way, I am able to walk up to her without either he or Prince trying to stop me. Forget being the bigger person. Forget holding myself back.
All I know is my fist makes contact with her face, and she falls back against the car. “Shit!” I squeal, grabbing my fist. I’m pretty sure I hurt myself worse than I hurt her. But damn, it felt good.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Enzo pulls me away from her and puts himself between us. “What are you thinking? Why would you do that?”
“I’m sorry if I’m supposed to stand here and take that, but I can’t.”