Page 51 of Savage Vow
Wanting to argue with him is reflex; that’s all because, deep down inside, I don’t want to be around for whatever happens next. But still, a part of me wants to fight back because I hate it when he orders me around like this.
He lowers his brow when I hesitate, and a familiar rush of heat blazes through me. Now is not the time for my hormones to go on a rampage. “You’re going to need to get this through your head. You are carrying my child. Right now, you are the most important person in the entire world. And that’s why, while I’m dealing with this, you’re going to stay in this room and not come out until I say it’s safe. I have a lot on my mind, and I want to be able to deal with it while knowing you’re safe. Do you understand?”
Right. He cares this much because of the baby. Not because he cares about me. I’m actually glad he said it, so I don’t get any crazy ideas. Once the baby is born, that’s it. I won’t matter anymore.
I can’t even be annoyed, not really. Because as sad as I am, knowing his concern isn’t really about me, it’s still one of the sweetest things he’s ever said to me. And my heart is just that vulnerable, that needy for him, that I can’t help but reach out and grab his words and cling to them. I even force a smile I don’t feel in hopes of easing his worries. “Okay. I’ll stay here.”
I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t believe me or he’s being overly cautious, but he puts a guard at my door anyway before heading back downstairs.
I wish he would stay here with me. I feel so mixed up inside. Guilty and conflicted, and annoyed with myself on top of that. Annoyed that I feel bad about Elena, annoyed that I’m so lonely, and most of all, that I crave Enzo’s love the way I do. It’s pointless, but I can’t seem to convince my heart of that.
What are they doing to her down there? I hope it’s not more than she deserves. I’m not even sure what I think she deserves, honestly, no matter how disgusted I am at the way she acted during dinner. She couldn’t have been more obvious. I was sitting right there, but that didn’t stop her from flirting with him like crazy.
In the end, no matter what happens, there’s one thing I believe: he’s doing this for his family, meaning our child. That means everything. “Don’t you worry,” I whisper, rubbing my belly. “Everything will be fine. You just keep growing, and your daddy will make sure everything is safe for you.” It feels good to say that. It feels right.
Not another minute or two passes before the door opens, and Enzo steps through. “I have her phone. I want to contact Alvarez through it, but I can’t get it unlocked.”
“I think she uses the face recognition thingy. I’ve seen her do that before; she holds it up to her face before she uses it.”
“That didn’t work. Is it because her eyes are closed, do you think?”
I snap my fingers when the memory becomes clearer. “No, she uses that along with her thumbprint. I think you have to do both at the same time.” It’s almost cute that he needs my help with this. It’s a nice feeling, sort of like I’m part of the team.
“Thank you.” Instead of hurrying back downstairs, he pauses and looks at me. “We’re going to make things right. For both of us.”
I hope so. I hope once this is over, he finds a little peace. I want that for him because I love him, no matter if it’s right or wrong. When he’s gone and I’m alone again, I place a hand against my belly. “He’s going to make things right for all of us.”
“If this doesn’t get his attention, nothing will.”
I take a slow walk around the couch, studying our captive. She’s looked better, I would guess, but for this evening’s purposes, she looks absolutely perfect. As an extra touch, I reach down and run my thumb over her lips, smearing her lipstick onto her cheek.
Prince steps back, her ankles now bound. Her wrists have already been secured behind her back. The way she’s positioned, half her ass is showing, and her nipples are barely covered. “She looks like she’s been through a rough night,” I observe with a humorless chuckle.
“Though it’s not exactly the kind of rough night she had in mind.” Prince looks as disgusted by the memory as I am. “I’m surprised she didn’t offer to take us both on at once.”
My lip curls in a sneer at the memory. “Maybe she’ll learn a lesson from this. Don’t throw yourself at a man unless you at least know his last name. I thought girls like her were supposed to be smarter than that.”
“Well, she trusted her friend.”
“Yes. The way her friend trusted her.” Her friend, who is now upstairs, as ordered. I don’t know what’s going to happen next precisely, but I know she would do better to stay where I put her unless told otherwise. “I think this shook her. Seeing what you did.”
“She’s tough. She can handle it.” From Prince, that’s the closest thing to a compliment one can hope for.
“Let’s see what Uncle Josef thinks about Elena’s night out.” I brush the hair back from her face to make sure he gets a good look at her before snapping one picture, then another, and several more. She looks sloppy, like after a long night of being used, which is precisely the look I’m going for. Let him wonder what we’ve done to her. Let him come to the worst possible conclusion.
Once I’m satisfied, I open her contacts—sure enough, there’s an entry for Tio Josef. There’s no going back from this, not that I want there to be. “Everything else is in place?” I ask Prince, and to his credit, he doesn’t roll his eyes or smart off about me not trusting him to take care of things as ordered. Too much is riding on this to leave anything to chance.
“We’re all set,” he grunts, and that will have to be enough for me. I type out my message, keeping it short and sweet.
Me:It’s time for us to have a little talk, Tio Josef.
With that, I attach a few of the worst photos, then hit send. There’s no going back now.
I should have started a countdown clock. Prince and I exchange a surprised look when no more than ten seconds pass before her phone buzzes with a call from none other than her uncle. I didn’t imagine he would check the text right away.