Page 2 of Daddy's Boss
Glancing at myself in the full-length mirror attached to my closet door, I’m thankful I don’t have to wear my school uniform anymore. Over the last year, my boobs finally came in, so my polo shirt is snug across my chest. Did my boobs come in or did I gain weight?
A lot of my clothes don’t fit anymore, which forces the waistline of my skirt higher. Thankfully, it’s got some stretch to it, but it used to hit above the knees, and now it comes to mid-thigh. My height hasn’t changed, so it has to be the weight gain since my hips are fuller too.
I turn back to face the mirror and lift my skirt to reveal my simple white panties. They’re plain, and I wonder if this is how I’ll be forever. Stuck in this bedroom with my plain clothes and dull life and nothing to look forward to.
“Lacy.” I drop my skirt at the sound of my mom’s voice, and a second later she opens my bedroom door. “It’s time for dinner.”
“Now?” I glance at the clock on my nightstand and see it’s nowhere near dinner time. Not that I’m complaining.
Both of my parents have been on me about what I eat lately. That’s probably the answer to my question. I must have put some on since all my meals have been cut down and I’ve had to sneak snacks. Thankfully, I can get anything from the lunchroom or vending machine on my student card. They never mention how much I spend, and there doesn’t seem to be a limit. But now that school is over, I’ll have to ration.
“Yes, come downstairs now.”
“Can I change?” I’m still in my uniform.
“Your father said you need to come right now.”
“Okay.” She holds my door open, and I walk out.
When I hit the bottom step, I see my father’s office door is open, but no one is inside. I make my way down the hallway and stop at the dining room where my father and Mr. Corano are sitting.
“Lacy.” My father's voice is tight. “I want to introduce you to Mr. Corano.” Mr. Corano stands and offers me his hand.
“You can call me Corano for now.”
For now? I take his hand, expecting to shake it, but he ends up snagging me around the wrist and pulling me into him. He grunts when my body collides with his. Warmth explodes through me. As much as I enjoy the feeling of Corano’s big body against mine, I try to push back, knowing I’m about to be in so much trouble.
“You’re not getting away from me now,” he says as he leans down to whisper into my ear, “I’ve been waiting for this. It’s been a year since I first saw you.”
His teeth sink into my neck, and I let out a small gasp. The pain shoots straight between my thighs as heat settles low in my stomach. My fingers dig into the front of his shirt as my body experiences an array of sensations and emotions.
“Father?” I have no idea what is happening right now, but Corano is the one that responds.
“I’m your daddy now.” Corano lifts his head, and his dark eyes meet mine. The intensity and hunger I see in them makes my breath hitch.
“Drinks?” my mother asks as she enters the dining room, oblivious to what’s happening. She sets my dad’s normal Coke and whiskey down on the table.
“She’ll have milk with her dinner,” Corano informs my mom, and she nods and leaves the room without saying a word about Corano holding me against his body.
Something hard presses into my stomach.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” I whisper.
“What’s happening, little one, is your father has gotten himself in too deep ,and now he can’t pay his debts.” My eyes flick over to my father, who is staring at us. Corano’s rough fingers slip up the back of my thigh and go under my skirt. I expect my father to say something, but he doesn’t. Instead he watches Corano’s hand and then licks his lips.
“How much does he owe you?” I whimper as Corano’s fingers grab my bottom and then dig into me.
“A few million,” he says, and I gasp. A few million?!
“What does that have to do with me?” The question pops out of my mouth, but I think I already know.
“It has everything to do with you, little one. You’re the only collateral he has.”
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” My face rushes with heat, but I nod my head. “You’ve been such a good girl over the last year, but I’ll confirm for myself.”
Before I can ask how he’s going to do that, he’s lifting me off my feet and placing me on the dining room table. He lays me back and then I watch with wide eyes as he flips my skirt up and pulls my panties down my legs. I gasp as he spreads my thighs, and when I try to close them back, he smacks the outside of one.