Page 18 of Taking His Punishment (Forbidden Fantasies 66)
“Oh, it’s not really Mormon,” I repeat quickly. “That’s just rumor. It could be called the Nepali Challenge, or something like that.”
But Kaci’s not buying it.
“Renee, I’m sorry for being a Doubting Thomas, but don’t you see what’s happening here?”
I stare at her.
“No. What?”
She sighs.
“Well, I’m not going to say that you’vedefinitelybeen hoodwinked because like you said, these things are kept hush-hush. Besides, the elders absolutely do hold secret ceremonies that are kept under wraps. But Icansay with certainty that the Mormon Dildo Challenge is probably not something Sanctuary advocates.”
I shake my head.
“Bridge wouldn’t lie to me.”
Kaci sighs again.
“Guys lie all the time, my friend. I hate to say this, but I think Bridge made up the Mormon Dildo Challenge to get into your pants.”
I shake my head.
“No!Why would he do that? That’s crazy.”
My friend stares pointedly at the Promise ring on my finger.
“Because of that,” she says. “You’re a good girl, Renee. You’re not like me, openly flaunting the dictates of the vow we took. As a result, Bridge knew that he needed more than just some sweet talk to get into your pants, and he concocted this challenge to give it a veneer of authority.”
I shake my head even as sweat breaks out on my brow.
My friend merely clucks while giving me a sad smile.
“I know this is upsetting, Renee. I know it’s hard to have the veil torn back, only to see something horrifying and ugly in its place. But guys are dogs, is the long and the short of it. In fact, Bridge Jessop is a red-blooded alpha male who owns his own company, and he’s used to doing what he wants. He’d lie if it meant enjoying a particularly creamy and innocent young woman.”
By now, I’m so angry my skin feels like it’s going to burst.
“You’rethe one who’s lying!” I say through gritted teeth. “You’re just jealous that I have someone like Bridge.”
But Kaci merely shakes her head sadly again.
“No, I’m not jealous,” she says in a gentle voice. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s done the Mormon Dildo Challenge with other women.”
I gasp.
“He told me he hasn’t. I was his first!”
Again, Kaci lets out a long, low sigh.
“Bridge Jessop is a gorgeous man in his prime, honey. There aren’t going to be a lot of sexual firsts for a man like that.”
Suddenly, I know Kaci’s right and tears begin to flow down my cheeks. I put my head in my arms and sob as my friend pats me on the shoulder. “It’s okay, honey. You had no way of knowing.”
“I’m so stupid!” I wail, uncaring if everyone in the café is now watching us. “How could I be so dumb?”
Kaci’s sympathetic.