Page 2 of Misfit
“How did you let this happen?!” Her voice was little more than a feral growl. Apparently I would be the scapegoat for her frustrations.Typical.
My jaw clenched at the accusation and for once I felt no fear of what she thought or wanted. She couldn’t get rid of me as she’d always threatened before. Not if she wanted her little prophecy to come to fruition. Just that fact alone bolstered my confidence. The lack of fear and already rising anger was a dangerous combination I’d have to be wary of. Stepping over the line could hurt more than just me. Harlow was the one who truly mattered. I wouldn’t put it past Hel to try and use her against me.
“Me? I was vehemently against making deals with slimy, backstabbing humans. Even after your warnings, he put Harlow in solitary and caused an uprising within our ranks. He knows how to ward me out of anywhere he wants, including the rooms of that fucking wing of his. Vane has obviously gone rogue.”
Hel slammed her fist to the side of the throne as she sat, ice shattering and exploding around her as a storm picked up, a visual depiction of her emotions. Sköll looked like he was enjoying every minute of the chaos, batting his paw at icicles as they shattered in front of him.
“You don’t understand what’s on the line. I’d sacrifice you and every one of your shadowy minions to make sure nothing got in the way,” she challenged, finally sitting back in the throne even though she was still breathing like a caged animal. Hel didn’t even seem to flinch as the ice destroyed her precious palace.
My fury was at a breaking point now. She all but admitted that she had no care about how she reached her goal or who she hurt in the process. Hel didn’t get to let Dark Haven and the human world descend into chaos with no repercussions.
“Need I remind you it ismylittle human cleaning up this mess right now? That she needs every one of us you promised to her. You cannot dispose of me. Though, I will be hunting down Vane with no remorse now. He’s broken any deal we had.” The storm picked up at my insolence, it wasn’t going unnoticed, but a smile still formed on her face. Knowing it was for show was more than a little off-putting. But I was done being yet another minion for Hel. I had Harlow to think about, and I realized in this moment that I’d risk it all for her. Then again, I shouldn’t be shocked by the revelation. She’d been mine since we met.
It was hard to think of her then. Harlow was broken then, descending into madness thanks to the trauma she’d endured. I’d already despised humans, but seeing her like that made me want to eradicate them all myself. I likely would have if given a real chance.
Now Harlow was a strong, amazing woman. She’d found herself in Dark Haven. Embracing her diagnosis wasn’t easy but she did it. Accepting it was half the battle and once she did that, she’d grown in strength and confidence. Harlow was already a better woman than Hel could ever be. In fact, Hel wasn’t worthy of the throne she sat on in my opinion. I’d been loyal, given the best of myself to her, and this was how she repaid me.
“You won’t get the chance.” She said it so confidently I knew this was yet another thing onlyshewas privy to. I was getting really fucking tired of her trying to keep us in the dark. We were merely pawns to her.
“Keeping Vane alive will do us no favors. But he’s no longer our biggest concern,” I said, walking forward and tossing a stack of newspapers down on the raised platform for her to see. Sköll growled and I stepped back, watching as the creature scooped it up in his maw and carried it over to its master.
Hel flipped through them, jaw tense.
“Will you destroy the entire human realm just to have your prophecy come to light?” I may not know the details, or the outcome, but she had made it known that whatever vision the seer saw was worth risking everything for.
“Do you think I truly care about what happens to humans?” she countered. Her voice wasn’t as sharp now but I didn’t relax. It could change at a moment’s notice. I’d not seen her this desperate in all of our centuries together. There was a feral glint in her eye that was new. Whatever her goal was, she was making it very clear that she’d do anything to reach it. She was far more dangerous now than ever before.
“No, I don’t,” I said drily. “But Odin does.”
Hel was out of her seat and in front of me at the mention of the god’s name. With a twist of her hand I was raised in the air but I didn’t flinch. She would never lose control to the point of ruining her own future and I’d endured her wrath on more than one occasion.
“Do not mistake your place here, Ivar,” she seethed. “You do as I say, not the other way around. Threats will not be taken lightly.”
“Oh, do put him down.” The amused voice had the storm dying in an instant, and I dropped, catching myself before falling to the ice-clad ground. “I expected more composure out of you, Daughter.”
Loki. The trickster god.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse.
I’d encountered a few gods over the years and they always swept in imperiously. It was a flurry of demands, arrogance, and disaster. The aftermath they left behind along with Hel’s anger was never easy to calm.
“Father,” she said, voice wavering slightly. She stepped back as if his presence alone made her want to put distance between them. Even if I was angry with her, I was still her commander. I’d never seen a being Hel feared until this moment, and I placed myself in front of her.
“You clearly have my blood flowing through your veins, Hel.” He chuckled darkly as he came into view. The god was lithe, with long, wild red hair that flowed around him. He wore dark jeans and a tight-fitting shirt that showed a hint of muscle. The modern clothes looked strange on a god but the black only made his glowing, vivid green eyes stand out more. “The other gods have taken notice of the strange events linked toyourdemons, and they’ve sent me on a little errand to find out just what you’re up to down here.”
He let out a string of maniacal laughter but his eyes sparked with anger. Loki was not happy about being forced to keep her in check. Or perhaps he didn’t like being questioned about his offspring in front of the gods. No matter the reason, he was here now, and even I knew that wasn’t a good omen.
My body was still in front of hers and I kept it there as she turned her back on the god. A long inhale was the only sign she was regaining her composure.
Hel, to her credit, took her throne and watched him come closer with her head held high. She was a proud ruler and one who wouldn’t even let the gods get in her way. It was a reminder of why I’d followed her so closely all these years and why her allowing things to go to shit was so infuriating.
“How long do I have before they’re breathing down my neck?” she asked instead of giving an answer.
“Is she always this evasive?” He turned to me. Despite my loyalty and resolve to not give him anything, I found the answer coming out against my will. His flex of power was impressive, but it wouldn’t gain him allies here.
“Yes.” His lips curled into a playful smile.
“I do love making big scary monsters become obedient,” he teased as he passed me, giving a little wave of his fingers.