Page 66 of Secrets & Stoners
“She’s scared now.” Trey snorted and gave me a sneer. “Don’t worry, you’ll find the way again.”
“Do you enjoy raping women, Trey?” I asked evenly. The question had their steps faltering, but Santos recovered quickly.
“Shut your mouth before we beat you for your disrespect,” he growled. “Some omegas need harsher discipline to comply, and it seems you are choosing that route.”
“I’ll cut your dick off,” I countered. Ignoring my promise, Trey yanked open a door and threw me inside. My shoulder slammed into a shelf, and I hissed at the pain, but the door was already closed and locked behind me.
“Hazel!” Eliza’s voice had me rushing over to her, pulling at the ropes that tied her to a chair. “Thank god.” Her tears had my own falling, and as soon as she was free, I was crushing her in a hug.
“I’m so, so sorry,” I whispered in a rough voice. “I swear we’re going to get out of here.”
“They have that drug,” Eliza told me softly. “They’ve been giving me huge amounts for the past few hours. Jokes on them, though, ‘cause it’s not affecting me one bit. Finally found an advantage to being infertile, I guess.”
My heart clenched at the bitter twist of her lips, but I knew she wouldn’t appreciate any pity. Eliza had known she was infertile since she turned eighteen and never experienced a heat in the years following. It had been hard to see one of my best friends, who had always wanted to be a mother, have no choice in the matter. But right now, it was our secret game changer. Her not being affected by the drugs was a huge win.
“Have you played it up?” I asked.
Eliza snorted, rubbing her wrists to get the blood flowing again. “Of course I have. Your fiancés are pieces of work.”
“Not as much as my husbands,” I told her with a wicked grin. “They’ll tear the city apart to get me back. In the meantime, we should try to figure out a way to break out on our own.”
Just then, the door to the room slammed open, and I instinctively took a step back. There stood one of the people I least wanted to see, scowling at me with such rage that his face was a deep shade of purple I’d never seen before.
“Sarah Hazel Bradford! You ungrateful girl.”
I swallowed hard and tried to take a steadying breath. “Hello, Father.”
“Hazel has been taken.”My brother’s voice filled the line, and I immediately froze, forcing Alessandro to walk into my back. “I need both of you back at the housenow.”
“What happened?” I asked, putting the call on speakerphone as I headed to my bedroom to put on a shirt. Alessandro and I had been setting up a surprise for Hazel at our place when Maximo called me.
“Zaven was escorting the omegas to get something from the car when Eliza was attacked,” Maximo said grimly, and I heard the faint sound of him loading a gun. “While he was incapacitated, they took Eliza and Hazel.”
“How’s Zaven?” Alessandro asked as he grabbed a shirt of his own. Completely in step, the two of us left the apartment.
“In the hospital, demanding to be released so he can come with us,” Sutton said with amusement, but I could hear a trace of concern there as well.
“He’s staying there,” Maximo ordered.
“No, I’m not. Not with Hazel out there while they do god knows what to her!” Zaven said in the background. “I won’t let them best me a second time.”
“Zaven, how the fuck did you get home?” Sutton started.
“We’ll talk to you when you get to the house. I need to deal with this,” Maximo said before ending the call.
This was bad. This was really, really fucking bad. Alessandro and I said nothing as we got into the elevator and outside to where his car was parked in front of our apartment building.
“Your guns are at the house?” my twin asked as he slid into the driver’s seat.
I nodded, the movement jerky since he took off before I’d even buckled up. “Yours?”
“I have everything I need with me,” he said coldly, his eyes sharp and calm. He confidently drove through the city traffic and made it to the Family home in a record of five minutes instead of the usual fifteen.
I was out the door before he parked, and we barged inside to find Valentina and Hazel’s friends watching Maximo, Sutton, and a very beaten up Zaven argue in the kitchen.
“You should be at the hospital!” Maximo yelled at Zaven.
“My place is here, trying to find our omega,” Zaven replied calmly, not the least bit intimidated when Maximo threw his hands up in the air. “She was taken because of me.”