Page 60 of Secrets & Stoners
Maybe I shouldn’t have been worried about THC as much as I should have been worried about my best friends. To say they were pissed was putting it lightly.
“You wereengaged, and we didn’t know anything about it?!” Eliza yelled. She was pacing the length of the living room, which would have betrayed her anxious feelings if the volume of her voice didn’t. Eliza lectured and hovered, but it was rare that she full-on yelled.
“Well—” I started, trying to explain myself, but she cut me off with a sharp hand gesture.
“I’m not done!” She glared at me, cheeks flushed and finger pointed. “Youliedto us.”
“I didn’t lie so much as avoided the topic,” I told her diplomatically.
“That’s so much worse,” Teagan commented dryly from where she and Sienna sat on a nearby couch. “But I love it.”
“Teag, you’re not helping,” Sienna shushed her.
Teagan shrugged. “I have more pressing questions.”
Eliza spun around to face Teagan. “More pressing than the fact that our best friend has been engaged to a pack the entire time we’ve been on the run?!”
“Are they always like this?” Zaven asked in a hushed voice as he tightened his arms around me.
I grinned, snuggling back into him, and tilted my head back to look at him. “Yes.” Zaven chuckled lightly, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before I faced my friends again. They were now watching us closely, but I couldn’t figure out what they were thinking.
“I want to know about these people, not the creed douchebags.” Teagan waved a hand at the beta at my back.
“I second Teag,” Sienna said, pushing her newly dyed red hair out of her face. “You’re still going to go by Hazel, I assume?”
“Yeah, that’s who I am now.”
“Are you still going to dye your hair?” Teagan asked, and Eliza threw her hands up in the air and collapsed on the other couch. She had given up on grilling me about the past, but I knew that was temporary. She wouldn’t be letting it go until I spoke to her privately.
“Wait, you dye your hair?” Emiliano asked when he and Alessandro walked into the living room.
“Oh, if it’s not the guys who kept me up during my hangover,” Teagan teased with a mock glare. “Don’t think I missed you both slinking out of my friend’s room before she left for work.”
“We are angels!” Emiliano tried to look innocent, his hand over his heart as if he was wounded by what Teagan was saying.
“At least go with something believable, brother.” Alessandro rolled his eyes, making all my friends smile, even Eliza. Alessandro sauntered over and sat on my other side, pressing a soft kiss to my temple as he got comfortable. Zaven didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the other beta coming over.
“What are we talking about?” Emiliano asked, sitting down on his twin’s other side.
“All of you,” Sienna said with a mischievous smile. She might be the quietest out of all of us, but that in no way meant she was innocent.
“We should celebrate!” Teagan clapped her hands together and stood up. “I have thebestidea.” Then she was out of the room, yelling something about coming right back.
“What could she possibly be getting right now?” I asked before a loud yawn made my jaw crack. “Shit, sorry.”
“You were out of it for a week, sweetheart,” Alessandro said, running a hand down my thigh. “I’m surprised you’re still up.”
“Perfect, you take a nap because I still have a few things to get,” Teagan said as she came back in and grabbed my two other friends. “We’ll be back for dinner, then it’s on, so rest up, Hazel.”
“She can’t go anywhere right now,” Zaven said softly, and I bit my lip. I wanted to protest because I was so used to being independent, but I also knew he was right.
“We’re going to celebrate here,” Teagan told him with a wink. “No worries. After all, we’ve been doing this running thing with her for a while now. Crazy cult or not, we can’t just have you get married and not party.”
Then they were gone, the last bit of my energy leaving with them, so I snuggled in between Alessandro and Zaven.
“Tonight will be interesting,” Emiliano said with amusement.
“We should take their warning to heart and sleep,” I murmured, exhaustion making my words start to slur together.