Page 4 of Secrets & Stoners
Teagan grinned at that, her face lighting up. “You’re right. I’ll bring you guys back some of those cheesy ‘I heart NYC’ tees this time.” It was her tradition to pick up tacky tourist gifts from each location she visited. I had a whole box of postcards and trinkets somewhere in this mess.
“Tell me food is coming,” Sienna whined as she clutched her stomach. “I did way too much work today to not eat properly.”
Eliza snatched the chips and opened the bag before taking a handful and passing them around. We were quiet for a moment, and I couldn’t help but take a second to appreciate where we were. I’d spent far too much of my life without real freedom. I was now officially living in Alexandria with my three best friends, and no matter the chaos, I knew I’d love this life.
“Oh god, Hazel’s getting all sappy in her head again,” Sienna noted, launching a chip at me. I snatched it out of the air and popped it into my mouth.
“Leave her alone. She just appreciates new experiences,” Eliza said with a soft smile. That was her nice way of saying I was sheltered and got way too excited about things.
“Are you going to join social media now that we’re here?” Teagan asked. I didn’t have a single site to my name and refused to post any pictures or let them post any with me in them. She respected my choice since they knew better than anyone what was at stake, what it would mean if anyone from my past found out. But in Teagan’s mind, she couldn’t fathom how I could stay so disconnected from the cyber world.
“No,” I said simply, and I was saved from further explanation when the pizza arrived. Instead, we all talked about our upcoming interviews. I had high hopes for The Happy Herb, and I was ready for this new chapter of my life.
New city, new Hazel, right?
The Happy Herbwas everything I’d hoped it would be. The dispensary logo on the front of the building was cheerful and vibrant, and the moment I walked in, I was greeted with smiles. The last job I’d had was at a local clothing store, and my coworkers had just plain hated their lives.
“Can I help you find something?” a beta asked. He gave me a bright grin and ran a hand through his black curls. He was adorable and appeared to be around my age, but he wasdefinitelynot my type. Not that it mattered because I didn’t do relationships and had a strict rule against one-night stands with coworkers. That shit would get awkward as fuck.
“I’m actually here for an interview,” I explained. I’d dressed up in black slacks and a white button-up shirt with a tie, all of which I had borrowed from Eliza because my ACDC t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and boots didn’t count as appropriate interview attire—or so I’d been told. The chunky belt and tapered shirt gave the outfit a feminine but professional edge, at least that was what I hoped. I appreciated my friend’s help, but I was counting down the minutes until I could be home and back in my regular clothes.
Eliza tried to convince me to tone down my makeup and piercings, but I had firmly put my foot down. I was interviewing to work at a fucking weed shop, not an office job. I kept things simple with dusky rose lipstick and light blush, really keeping my focus on the black smokey eye and thick mascara that really brought attention to my blue-gray irises. With plain silver gauges, a small matching septum ring, and a silver ball for my Medusa piercing, I was as toned the fuck down as I ever got.
“Oh, you’re Hazel?” he asked. His gaze dipped over my entire body before coming back up to my face.
“I am,” I said quickly, clenching my tattooed hands together. That was the only sign of nervousness that I allowed myself because I somehow managed to keep my expression neutral. I hadn’t been nervous about the interview until he walked in. He’d instantly caught my attention, and I’d be damned if it wasn’t the worst possible timing. Getting horny at an interview was bad; having it happen during an interview with the alpha who would potentially be my boss was even worse. “I’m supposed to talk to Sutton.”
“Did someone say my name?” My world stopped for a brief moment when a copper-haired Adonis stepped out from behind the counter. He shot a disapproving glare at the beta who blushed furiously and rushed to take his place helping customers that were looking at the selection. “Sorry for making you wait. I’m Sutton. Follow me.”
The way he spoke was full of command, and I found myself wanting to follow even though I’d usually bristle at direct orders from alphas. Between his gorgeous amber eyes, perfectly combed back red locks, neatly trimmed beard, and freckled skin, he could be a model. Hell, he even had the stoic thing down.
The moment I stepped behind him, I was hit with his scent. The alpha had a spiced woodsy scent that reminded me of cedar, cypress, and nutmeg. It was earthy and fitting for the man in front of me.
“Did you find the place okay? I remember your application mentioned you were new in town,” he asked as he opened a door and gestured for me to step inside. The thought of being locked in an office with that scent was torturous, but I plastered a smile on my face. I needed to keep my shit together, especially since he looked completely unaffected.
“I did. It was a quick bus ride over,” I said as I took the chair across from his desk. The office was nicer than I’d expected for a dispensary. He had a big dark wooden bookcase behind a matching desk. There was some artwork on the walls, but the pieces worked together cohesively to create an inviting, homey feel.
“Good,” he noted as he sat and pulled out my application. He glanced over the papers as he said, “And you don’t have any work restrictions.”
“Outside of refusing to have my picture on your website or promotional images for the store, no,” I corrected. I knew that people were supposed to be agreeable and make the best first impression at interviews, but this was a point that I couldn’t afford to budge on.
He gave me a long look that I couldn’t read, then he nodded once before going through the rest of the standard questions. He was a master of giving nothing away, which I found unsettling, but I didn’t feel unsafe with him. I’d count that as a huge win. As a result of my upbringing, I was always a bit hesitant about being alone with an alpha, but this one didn’t feel as intimidating as the ones I was used to.
“As an employee, you’ll get a discount in the store. As far as general requirements go, we ask that you wear the employee tee. Keep it in decent condition, and you can dress it up however you want,” he explained.
“I have the job?” I asked. My voice held a bit more hope than I meant to give away, and there was already a grin on my face. Sutton looked at me with a bright smile. And fuck, if it didn’t leave me breathless. The man was far too attractive to be real; working with him would not be easy. Especially when he smelled fucking phenomenal.
“It’s yours if you want it,” he promised. “I just need your availability, any upcoming days off you need, and shirt size, then we’ll contact you with a schedule tomorrow.”
“Thank you, sir,” I said as I bit back an excited squeal. It was such a nice store, and outside of the overly flirty beta in the front, the environment here seemed laidback and fun. That was exactly what I needed in my life.
“Don’t thank me yet.” His grin completely filled his face, making butterflies go nuts in my stomach.What the hell?I never reacted to men, especially alphas, this way. “Wait until you’ve filled out all the paperwork on your first day. Now, what size shirt do you need? I’ll grab a few for you from the back room. They’re the unisex shirts, if that makes a difference.”
“Large please,” I told him. Better it be a touch big and comfortable than have it shrink on the first wash. Sutton left to grab the shirts, leaving the door cracked open. Quickly, I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat, too excited to wait until I was out of the shop.
Hazel:I got the job! I get my schedule tomorrow.
Eliza:Look at you go!