Page 16 of Secrets & Stoners
Before I could respond, my phone alarm went off. I’d set it just in case I got distracted or took too long to get ready. That chime meant I now had to get my clutch ready and head out. As soon as my cards and phone were tucked inside, my phone went off. I pulled it back out to read Valentina’s parting words.
Valentina:Oh, one last thing. Or two. Zaven is coming to drive you. Us ladies don’t drive ourselves. And two. Have fun.
“Well, that beats catching a bus,” I said to myself as I hurried from my room. He didn’t seem the type to be late, so I rushed through the apartment, yelling hasty goodbyes to whoever was here before heading outside. The black SUV was parked on the curb, and Zaven was leaning against it, waiting for me. This time, he was dressed in a charcoal gray vest with a black button-up and black slacks. The form-fitting clothes hugged his muscles, and I had to remind myself that he wasn’t my date tonight. I didn’t miss the way he stilled when he caught sight of me, his lips parted for just a moment as if I’d made him lose his breath.
“Why don’t you ride up here with me?” he offered when I was close enough. He opened the front door for me, and I slid inside. Having to move so close to him had his scent slamming into me. It was strong and fierce, overwhelming me in the best way. The mix of citrus, mint, and sandalwood was downright heavenly. It was a light and calming blend of scents that I wanted to lean into and rub myself on like a desperate omega.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I’d been through tons of suppressed heats but never had one made me react this strongly to anyone’s scent. Maybe my heat was coming on faster this time? Either way, I had to get myself under control, fast.
Fighting back the blush rising on my cheeks, I buckled myself in. With him this close, the ride there would be torture, but I could do this.It’s just one date,I reminded myself.
* * *
I didn’t knowwhat I’d expected out of this date, but Hazel wasn’t it. I hadn’t expected to see her again after the “stakeout” Valentina had talked her into.
As soon as Hazel had seen me, I noted her surprise, and I worried that she wasn’t interested in me at all, but then her scent hit me. Smoky leather, tobacco, and violet wrapped around me, and it took every ounce of my self-control to not moan out loud as my dick hardened.
Taking a deep steadying breath, I walked around and slid into the driver’s seat. Slamming the door closed, I buckled up and glanced over to make sure she had done the same. Hazel had looked uncertain before she turned to stare out of the window, and I cleared my throat, unsure how to put her at ease.
“I like your dress,” I said abruptly, then I internally groaned.How fucking awkward can I be?!
Hazel blinked slowly before her lips tilted up in a half smile. “Thanks. And thank you for picking me up. Valentina didn’t give me any details about the date besides a time, place, and meeting her nephew for dinner, so I’m really glad I didn’t have to take the bus.”
My brow furrowed, focusing intently on the road as I replied, “A date with… her nephew?”
“Yeah,” Hazel answered quickly, but I felt her gaze land on me, then she started cursing under her breath. “It’s the nephew she had me spy on at the bar, isn’t it? Fuck. This is going to be so awkward.”
She doesn’t know the half of it,I thought ruefully as my hands clenched on the steering wheel. We hit a red light, so I snuck a nervous glance at the omega beside me. I knew I couldn’t let her walk into this date thinking she was only meeting Maximo, not with her scent was curling around me. Who knew how the alphas and twins were going to react when they got around her?
“What did Valentina say to you, exactly?” I asked carefully.
“That she wanted to set me up with her nephew. Something about him needing to loosen up.” Hazel blushed and chewed her lip. “To be honest, the rest of it is a bit blurry. We were having shots at Neon Nights, and, well, the next thing I knew, I had agreed to the date. What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
How the hell did I end up being the one to tell her this?Damn it. I was going to have words with Valentina later. “She said you were going on a date withjusthim?”
Hazel shifted in her seat until she was looking at me, her face pale as she searched my expression. “What do you meanjusthim?”
I licked my lips, glad that I was behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. Surely, she wouldn’t hit the man driving the car. “Hazel, you’re going on a date with more than just one alpha. Maximo, her nephew, has a pack, and she also invited her two other nephews, Maximo’s younger brothers.”
Hazel stared at me, not saying anything, and I could tell from the way her lips parted that she was shocked. Then she threw her head back, her laughter filling the SUV as she lost it. She laughed until she began to cry, dabbing at her eyes to stop her makeup from running. I pulled into a parking spot across the street from the restaurant and waited. The poor girl deserved a minute to breathe.
“So how many people am I having dinner with?”
“Five of us.”
Her head jerked up, eyes wide. “Including you?”
My heart pounded, my chest suddenly feeling tight now that she’d asked that question. “Yes?” She studied me with a new awareness in her gaze, but I had no idea what it meant. Was that disappointment, nerves, or disgust?
“Good because I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I saw you against the SUV earlier.”
Then she was on me. Her full lips were insistent as she tilted her head and flicked her tongue against mine. I whimpered and opened up to let her in. Was there any other choice? My head swam as I faintly registered her unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing into the backseat. Her hands on my face encouraged me to follow her, and I did, not giving a shit that I was wrinkling the clothes I had meticulously picked out for tonight.
Messing around wasn’t something I did. Hell, it had taken me months to believe that Maximo and Sutton wanted me in any kind of genuine way. Yet here was this omega whose scent made me lose all fucking reason and logical thought. A nip made me gasp, and she pulled back, her long black hair splayed around her like a dark halo.