Page 1 of Secrets & Stoners
“What doyou mean the keys are in the truck?!” Eliza groaned as Sienna chewed her bottom lip, face pinched with guilt. Eliza shook her head and swiftly put her long blonde hair in a ponytail, her go-to move when faced with a problem she needed to solve.
“I’m sorry!” Sienna threw her hands up in frustration. “I thought the door was unlocked when I left to take these boxes up here.”
“Let’s go take a look at it,” Teagan said, joining the conversation as she walked out of her bedroom.
“Why don’t we all go down and look?” I suggested as I stood up and stretched my arms. “I’m sure we can figure it out together.”
Eliza led the way, her gait determined, and we all followed more sedately behind her. Sienna ducked her head, but I wasn’t having any of her guilt trips this early in the day. I looped my arm through hers and smiled at her. “Think Eliza will have a tool kit nearby to break into the truck, or will she complain that she could, but it’s still in the back?”
Teagan snorted at the same time Sienna smiled, her laughter breaking free. “Definitely the second,” my friends said at the same time.
“I heard that!” Eliza called out, but there was humor in her voice.
Sienna’s body relaxed next to me, and I squeezed her arm, glad we could set her at ease. Moving could be frustrating in the best of circumstances, and moving in together for the first time was a big step despite how long we’d been friends. We were all just so different, so even though we were best friends, we didn’t always agree or do things the same way.Time would tell how we all meshed with living in the same apartment.
Eliza was the mom of the group, always there to take care of whoever needed help. Teagan was the wild child, up for new adventures and experiences, which helped balance out Eliza’s type-A tendencies. Sienna was the quiet one, with a resting bitch face not many dared approach, but she was one of the sweetest people. I, on the other hand, was a walking, talking fight waiting to happen. I liked to have a good time, but I was the person you watched on a night out because I’d start and end every damn fight that came my way.
“Hazel!” Eliza called out, and I looked up to find her staring down the moving truck. “See if you can help me break into this piece of shit. It can’t be that hard.”
Rolling my eyes, I dropped Sienna’s arm and hurried forward, brushing my inky black hair out of my face. It was so hot that I was ready to get this over with.
I laughed. “Not really my area of expertise, Eliza.”
Eliza’s crop top had ridden up, showing off her curvy figure, as she leaned over and pressed her face against the window, probably trying to see if she could spot the key ring. I copied her on the other side.
“Found them! On the passenger seat.”
“That won’t be easy to get to,” Teagan said from beside Eliza before loudly sipping her boba tea.
“We don’t need the keys,” I told them confidently. “We just need a wire hanger and to get the window down an inch or so. We can use it to unlock the door, then boom! We can get the keys.”
“Just one problem,” Sienna said.
“We don’t have any wire hangers,” Eliza finished for her.
“What is this,Mommie Dearest?!” I huffed. “Let’s see if someone has something we can use.”
“Nothing like meeting our neighbors by asking them to help us break into our moving truck.” Teagan grinned and grabbed Sienna. “This will be fun.”
“This is the opposite of fun,” Sienna muttered, but she let Teagan pull her along.
Eliza followed right after them, but I glanced around, trying to see if there was anything laying nearby. The apartment building was in an okay section of Alexandria, nothing too fancy, but it was safe enough. There was some litter nearby, but no wire of any kind. A loud roar suddenly caught my attention, and I spotted a group of bikers riding by. They pulled into the bar just two buildings down. Each guy wore the patched jacket of some sort of motorcycle club. I knew I shouldn’t stereotype, but I bet they could break into the truck.
Wishing I’d had the time to at least do my makeup, I set out to approach them. I studied the guys as they got off their bikes, most of them alphas from the feel of them, and my omega instincts definitely made note of the physical space they took up.
One of them noticed me approaching and hit a bigger guy’s shoulder. The guy, whose jacket I noticed said President, focused on me with a curious expression, his eyebrow quirked in silent question. He had buzzed dirty blond hair and a long beard that would do any Viking proud. His bright blue eyes looked old and wise; he studied me, waiting to see what I wanted.
I ignored the others as I waltzed up. “You look like the kind of alpha to help me out.”
“Well, that’s one way to be approached.” His lips twitched, and I huffed out a laugh.
“Think you could break into a truck for me? My friend locked the keys inside, and we’re trying to move in. Unless you aren’t good with your hands…” I let the taunt hang in the air, and the guy who had nudged him silently began to chuckle when the alpha’s mouth dropped open. “I mean, any alpha here would do.”
“How do I know you’re asking me to break intoyourmoving truck?” he finally asked, a spark of amusement lighting up his expression.
“You can look inside afterward. No one wants the piece of shit third-hand furniture we have,” I told him dryly, which made him grin. The smile totally transformed his face, showing off dimples that I never would have expected to go with that leather jacket and bike.
“Lead the way, then.” He gestured, and I spun around and started to head back to the truck. He fell into step beside me. “My name is Loki, by the way.”