Page 15 of Daddy's Little Doubter (Daddy 28)
“All right. Are you ready?” he asked.
She looked around and then nodded. “Yes.” She was as ready as she was going to be.
Nate got her comfortable in the front seat before getting into the vehicle and starting the car. He reached for her hand. “I promise. Everything’s going to be okay.”
She rested the side of her head against the seat. “I know.”
He lifted her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles. “Let’s get you home.”
They were mostly silent on the way to Fayetteville, so she spent a lot of time looking out her window. There were only a few clouds in the sky, and the weather was perfect.
Tessa hadn’t realized until then that this would be thefirst time she was out of her hometown besides her brother’s funeral.
Things were changing so quickly that it was hard for her to keep up emotionally.
She must have slept because before she knew it, they were pulling up to a tall building.
“What’s this place?” she asked.
“This is our temporary home, baby. I started working with a construction company that was fairly new right away when I got home from the military. Eventually, I’ll become one of the partners, but I just work with them right now. Their Hawk Construction business has grown bigger and faster than they expected, so they’re going to have more than one crew.”
“I don’t care where we live.”
“Would you like a house or condo?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m not sure. I don’t think it really matters. What would you like?”
“I think a house, but I don’t like the idea of you being home alone. How about we find a condo now and look for a house down the road?”
“I like that idea,” she said.
They pulled into the underground parking garage under his apartment.
“Let’s get you upstairs. I see the truck the guys used, so your things are probably already up there. We’ll figure out what to do with everything in a day or so. I’d like you to get some rest for now.”
She was more tired than she ever had been. The last few days had so many ups and downs it left her emotions jumbled. “All right.”
Nate helped her out of the car, grabbed the quilt and the few bags they had, and ushered her toward the elevator.
“Now, remember, we won’t live here long. It was the firstthing I saw, and I didn’t care as long as it was clean.”
“Don’t worry. Please. I’ll like anything except cockroaches. I can’t stand them.”
“I can’t either, so don’t worry.”
They walked down a hallway to the end, and before he could unlock the door, it sprang open. She smiled when she saw the group that was at the house.
Jade ran to her and hugged her tightly.
“How are you holding up?” Jade asked.
“Good. I’m just tired right now.”
“I bet you are. We have food ready for you guys, and we’re heading out.”
“Wait, you don’t have to leave,” Tessa said.
“I’ll see you in the next few days. Take some quiet time with Nate.”