Page 77 of Falling Out of Hate with You
“Oh, so now you have a sex life? I want all the details.”
She drags me into the bathroom with her, not minding that I’m right in front of her as she drops her shorts and sits.
“You know you aren’t in hillbilly country anymore.”
“Oh please. You’ve seen my bare ass before. Peeing is nothing. Don’t be a prude.”
I burst out laughing because she’s absolutely ridiculous. She flushes, washes her hands, then checks to see if anything is in her teeth.
“So what are your plans tonight?” she asks, leading us out of the bathroom.
“I’m going to watch a few bands.”
She turns and looks at me as we make our way into the kitchen. “Oh, like a date?” she inquires, digging around in the fridge. “With Mr. Rough ’n’ Dirty Sex Machine?”
Courtney has absolutely no filter. It’s one of her many pleasant qualities.
“No, and it’s not a date, so you can join us if you want. It’d probably make things less awkward anyway.”
She shuts the fridge door, empty-handed. “I’d love to be your third wheel, but I’m already exhausted from flying all day. Can I take a rain check?” she asks, opening up the cupboards and shuffling cans around.
“Between two grown men, you’d think there’d be something to eat in this house.”
“There was.” I chuckle. “They scarfed it all down.”
She laughs, shutting the doors and giving up. “Well you better get dressed then. I’m starving and will stab someone soon if I don’t get some food.”
“Damn. I forgot how crazy you get when you’re hangry.”
She laughs again, following me into Drew’s room and starts chatting about her horrible flight from Dallas and the many delays she experienced. She looks at the perfectly made bed, and I hear her sigh.
“What I would give to be in that bed with your brother for just one night. I’d totally use my weekend pass on him.”
“Gross,” I say, secretly thinking about being in Travis’s bed and what happened here hours earlier. “What the hell is a weekend pass?”
“A sex pass?” She arches her brow. “A free pass to have sex with one person one time while in a relationship.”
“That’s not really a thing,” I say. “Is it?”
“It’s a thing, but most couples wouldn’t be okay with actually following through with it.”
“Well, even if you did want to follow through with it, good luck getting him away from Mia long enough to strip your clothes off.”
“I wish he’d break up with her already. She’s not even his type. Controlling. Snobby. She’s probably never worked a day in her entire life. And her laugh. Her laugh is terrible,” Courtney goes on and on, turning her head while I change. “He’s too good for her.”
“Maybe so, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they got married.” I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and turn around to see her leaning against the wall with her palm pressed against her chest.
“My heart couldn’t take it,” she says dramatically. “I’ll be a wedding crasher then. I don’t think I’d hold my peace.”
“I don’t think you’d be invited.” I laugh.
“Hence the crasher part…” She smirks.
I shake my head and smile. “I’ve missed your level of crazy. It’s nice to be with my people again.”
“Good, then I better be your plus one if they do.”
“Obviously. But just for the record, I would love to have you as a sister-in-law.”