Page 7 of Falling Out of Hate with You
Can you take Travis a sandwich at work? He didn’t have time to eat during his break.
I roll my eyes at the message he sends me. A lame attempt to cover Travis’s ass. Didn’t have time…really? I wasn’t born yesterday.
However, Drew does so much for me that I have a hard time refusing him. As kids, we weren’t super close, but as we grew older, he became much more than just my brother. He’s my best friend. As much as I want to tell him to tell Travis to fuck off, I don’t.
Fine. But I’m putting rat poison in his mayo.
Whatever gives it flavor.
I smile as I read his message. Drew knows I hate Travis. Not like, har-har-I-hate-you kind of hate, but like loathing, I’d-rather-eat-my-arm-off-than-be-near-you kind of hate.
But Travis is his best friend, so when he needs a favor, I usually get roped into helping somehow.
After throwing his lunch on his desk, I storm out of his office with a harrumph. I was three seconds away from slapping his stupid, I’m-so-hot grin right off his face.
He’snothot, for the record.
He’s a fucking devil and gorgeous god all in one, and he knows it, too. With his sculpted six-pack, sleeve tattoos, and stunning brown eyes, he’s the type who never has to work for anything.
He works out religiously and reminds me every time when he walks around the house shirtless. Aside from working out, his extracurricular activities include being naked and between some bimbo’s legs. If only he cared about the girls he brings home the way he cared about his body, we’d be having a much different conversation.
For the record, I only know this because he lives with my older brother.
I drive out of the parking lot and head back to school. Although this is my last year, I still live on campus. I received a full scholarship based on my grades and SAT scores, so spending the extra money to be off campus didn’t make sense. Luckily, I was able to choose courtyard housing last year, which means I get my own bedroom and bathroom and only have to share a living room and kitchen with my three other roommates. For extra money, I tutor jocks. Never a short supply of academically questionable athletes on campus.
“Hey, Viola!” Ashley calls out as soon as I walk through the door.
“Hey! You’re back early.” I set my stuff down on the table and rummage through it.
“Class got dismissed as soon as we finished the quiz,” she says between bites of chewing her lunch.
“What a waste of a class.” I love school. Yes, I’m one of those students who absolutely loves studying, doing homework, and participating in class lectures. I even devote an entire weekend to shop for school supplies and then organize it all by color and subject.
I’m smart, so sue me.
Actually, don’t. I can’t afford a lawyer.
“Doesn’t bother me!” She stands up from the couch and stalks over. “Jesus, Viola. What is all this shit?”
I furrow my brows at her. “Thisshitis called textbooks, notebooks, and reading material. You might’ve heard of it?” I tease.
“I swear to God, Viola. You are way too focused on school. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a book in your hands.”
“Plenty of times, actually. But you see this building we live in?” I dramatically twirl a finger around in the air. “And all the larger buildings that surround us? That’s called a campus…and it’s where people come tolearn.”
“It’s also where people come to party and get laid, but I never see you do any of those things,” she says with a grin.
I scoff. “I get laid plenty of times.”No, I don’t.
She snorts, laughs, and nearly chokes at my words. “That’s the biggest line of bullshit I’ve ever heard.”
I sigh. “I’m leaving now. BYE.” I pile my stuff back in my bag and head back out toward the door.